Wednesday, May 09, 2012

QotD: Eat The Goose, No More Eggs Edition

Adaptive Curmudgeon on everybody's favorite South American strongman:
It looks to me like Chavez has beaten his country like a rented mule and his time is just about up.  His 13 year socialist reign has been, for want of a better word, “craptacular” for his people.  He trashed a nation in less time than most of us take to wear out a Honda Civic.
Wisht I'd wrote that.


  1. The weird thing is a lot of the locals STILL like him.

    Of course, here we have Obama and Mitt 50-50 in the polls so perhaps I shouldn't talk.

  2. dang. No more Pugsley to kick around.

  3. It'll be amusing watching the same thing happen to the French.

    I don't have the usual French-dislike of many on my team, but damn if they haven't done it to themselves.

  4. 13 Years? Gee, it seems like only Yesterday when Jimmy Carter told the Media that "I'm sure any Voting Irregularities that occurred will be fixed by the time of the next Election," when his "Monitoring" Group declared Chavez the Winner.

    Actually, now that I think about it, Peanut Brain was correct. The Venezuelan Elections have been "Fixed."

    But not to Worry! If Pugsley loses to the "Big C", there's that Eva Peron Wannabe down in Argentina who is more than willing to step in his shoes.

    Just ask Ferfal.

  5. Obama may yet do it even faster.

  6. It isn't the short time it takes to bottom out the country that is the important number.

    The important number is how long it will take the survivors to regroup, recapture the country, and restore the liberties and prosperity previously enjoyed.

    Venezuela could be craptacular for decades.

  7. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)11:37 AM, May 09, 2012

    Wait... that plug ugly thug is DYING? I thought he was being ousted. Guess he'll find out soon enough that God is real, and so are Hell and the Devil.

  8. Hopefully, Venezuela can move into recovery mode in a post-Chavez era relatively quickly. If they can get their country half-way turned around in 5 years. I can get A LOT of important work done in Venezuela, that I cannot get permits or even establish the infrastructure for right now.

    Like any good America, I'm waiting patiently for my time to strike and capitalize on the situation. If we can get rid of Obama, maybe all Americans can too.

  9. Yeah, well besides Argentina, there is that idiot in Bolivia who REALLY hates Americans, so even if Pugsley croaks to the Big C, there are still plenty of tin pot anti-American dictators south of the Canal...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  10. Wish I'd written* that.


  11. Anon 7:30,

    Why yes! "Written" is spelled w-r-i-t-t-e-n!

    Now see if you can do "vernacular" and "colloquialism". Ready? Go!

  12. It was getting bad down there when I worked there in 02. We had to take the boat to Trinidad to get parts. Being the only one with western currency I had to go and buy the parts and supplies with my cash and company card.

    Back then it impressed me at the lack of a middle class. You were either well off or destitute. Crime was a concern also.

    I hope they can turn it around but I am skeptical.


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