Friday, May 18, 2012

Notes from the decline...

So I woke up this morning and soon realized that local morning news was not going to provide me with blogfodder: as exciting as the weather and the various peripheral events leading up to the Indianapolis 500 are to the local news crew, they just weren't getting my creative juices flowing, so I flipped to CNN.

I gave a little shriek, but then realized it was just Chuck Schumer. He was giving his little speech pimping his Bill of Attainder against Fancisco d'Anc... er, Eduardo Severin. Then they went to a live interviewette with the legislation's co-parent, Senator Bob Casey from Pennsylvania...

Oh. My. God. This was the first time I'd seen him speak, live and quasi-extemporaneously. Will someone explain to me how that stammering cretin convinced 50.1% of the adult voting populace of the Keystone State that he'd make a fine United States Senator*? I wouldn't vote for that idiot to call in the office pizza order for fear he'd &*%$ it up somehow.

In self-defense I jogged the channel clicker again, winding up on HLN, and found myself enveloped in a fluffy pink giggling cocoon as the teleprompter reader that hosts their morning show opened her dazzlingly-capped cakehole and sucked the intelligence from the room with a soft whooshing noise. Puppies. Kittens. Tee-hee. Justin Beiber!

*Oh, wait, the choice was him or Rick Santorum. Waiter, I'll take the hemlock, please. Matter of fact, make it a double.


  1. You have just reminded me why I am so glad I don't have a TV.

  2. Bob Casey Sr was also a pretty darn good governor. Jr is basically riding on the family coat tails.

  3. How did that Purblind Moron get to be a Senator of this Commonwealth?

    Two words...



    Also a surrounding few counties of each class A city. To be somewhat more explicit, Every slimy government tit sucking cretin who voted the party line without a single original thought of their own.... THAT is why that sewage dripping character modeled after every scummy creep Ayn Rand described in Atlas Shrugged became a Senator.


  4. He's from the Penseltuky version of the Kennedy Clan.

    He beat Rick Santourum for the Senate seat and served with Arlen Spector (spit when you hear his name). You think the Keystone Stae could do better.

    We could debate if Bob the elder was a good govenor but I will say he stuck to his ideals and basicly was shunned by the national Democrats.


  5. Does your clicker really click?

    That's something not in my collection of junk - the mechanical remote. Click.

  6. Not to nitpick but Schumer is the senior senator from the late great state of New York, not that that makes him any less of idiot.

  7. Easy to explain Senator Bob Casey - he ran against Rick Santorum.

  8. I don't suppose if you ever come to Atlanta, you're going to want a personally guided tour of CNN Center are you?

  9. Anon 11:24,

    "Not to nitpick but Schumer is the senior senator from the late great state of New York..."

    Yes, he is. Why do you bring this up? Did I intimate somewhere that he was not?

  10. Bram,

    Hence my footnote. ;)

  11. Oh damn! Was that there the whole time? I gotta get some bifocals.

  12. the channel clicker

    Heh. I remember those.

  13. Ugh yes Casey is an idiot, and I agree with Carteach- its because of the two big cities and the fact that he is the son of Casey Sr.

    However, somehow we also managed to elect a pretty good Senator in Toomey. Don't know how that happened.

    We are a weird state.


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