Friday, May 18, 2012

Overheard in the Office...

I guess I left the TeeWee running when I came in here to type. Roomie, getting ready down the hall, can apparently hear it...
RX: "Omigod. They're reading the horoscope of the FaceBook founder. Next they're going to dance around waving a chicken bone."

Me: "Let me know when they're foretelling the future from the entrails of Senator Schumer."


  1. Inspired! Let me know, too, so that I can sell access to the live feed (so to speak).

  2. We should be so lucky on Schumer...

  3. I'm with NFO. Don't tease us like that...

  4. "Let me know when they're foretelling the future from the entrails of Senator Schumer."

    Impossible. Chuckie has no guts.

  5. They have to put that on Pay per view.

  6. I'd pay money to see that...

  7. "How DARE they take away their own Money from my Gooberment Hands! How can I Redistribute the Wealth if I don't have any of THEIR Money?"-Schumer.

    BTW, just how much is Chuckie's Annual Salary, and how much is his Total Worth? Last I heard, EVERY U.S. Senator automatically Qualifies for the "Occupy 1% Class".

    Maybe Chuckie should write a few checks himself,eh?

  8. Where's the most dangerous place in the world to stand? Between Chuckyou Shumer and a videocam.... JohninMd(help!)


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