Wednesday, May 09, 2012

QotD: Partisan Warfare Edition

Because it's my blog and I can have as many quotes of the day as I want to so there!, here's Roomie on Lugar's concession speech:
[H]e's also said the victorious Richard Mourdock has embraced a partisan attitude that makes it difficult to get things done.

That was the point, Senator. See, the more Congress "gets things done," the smaller my paycheck, either directly through taxes or indirectly by inflation.


  1. This is the part that Matt Tully doesn't get.

    I'm more and more convinced that Tully doesn't just have a tin ear for politics, but that the tin has got green corrosion all over it to boot. Even his journalistic overlords were honest enough to print five reasons for Lugar's defeat today.

    Lugar should have bowed out gracefully and declined to run, and would have received all due honors if he had, but instead, today he's the bitch-slapped, punch-drunk loser by a count of 61 to 39. And Tully, as one of his cheerleaders, is at least partly to blame.

  2. Let's ahve a toast to the thought of a "do nothing Congress". Even better how 'bout Congress take a hint from the Docs "First, do no harm".
    Gotta love that Ellison and that other whack job (D) from AZ are looking to punish states for having "You don't have to flee in panic" laws.
    Good on y'all for smackin' Lugar. That was long overdue.

  3. Seariously, have they check/tested for sonething in the enviorment at the congress building that could kill brain cells? There seems to be a patern of the longer you are there the more stupid you be come.


  4. Old Dick is just making sure nobody has buyer's remorse.

  5. I spit a Lugar across the room.

  6. Goddamn right.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: At least when the Mafia demands protection money they actually leave you alone. And hell, they might keep others off your back, too. It rankles to pay some group of bastards to explicitly go out and fuck with me.

  7. "Gridlock is good."
    If Gordon Gecko didn't say that, he should have.

  8. As the inimitable Iowahawk once twittered,"A ‘do-nothing’ congress is sort of like a ‘do-nothing’ arsonist."


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