Sunday, May 27, 2012


Hot. Really, really hot.
It's frickin' hot out there today. Potentially record-breaking hot. Plus there are all those people in town for that little automobile race out on the west side of town, so I'll be staying inside where it's shady and cool and tourist-free, doing busywork, like migrating all the pictures from various digicams and memory cards and the cell phone all onto one thumb drive.

A purse full of kitten

Here's a picture from the zoo gift shop last year. If you have ever heard the expression "gayer than a purse full of kittens" and wondered just exactly how gay that was, well, now you know.


  1. Why are there no gambling casinos in Africa?

    Too many cheetahs.

  2. Thats LSU colors. Only in Louisiana do purple and gold go together. For Mardi Gras we add green. That thing would be huge in the fall down here.

  3. Those cheetahs are lion in the shade.

  4. To allay your globull warming fears about the "record" temperature in Indy town, Let me advise you it is 10 degrees cooler right here in Austin, Texas than it was a year ago. It's also cooler than Indy (86 degrees here). Now, don't you feel better?

  5. "all onto one thumb drive." and then you lose said device or it breaks in mysterious ways.
    Make multiple copies of your pictures. Try burning them to a stack of DVDs or at least a second thumb drive.

  6. I saw a guy at work carrying one of those the other day. And no, it was not gfor his kid, it was his.

    I work in a very strange place.

  7. How about a messenger bag full of kittens?

  8. Cute can get you, uhm, taken? Mebbe? It's why I don't get the whole OC thing. I lean to the, uhm, coservative side. If you have something, keep it. Don't risk if you don't have to.


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