Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fun Show Saturday!

There was a Fun Show in Lebanon, Indiana yesterday, and so we went. It was easy enough to find, there at the county fairgrounds, practically next door to the Boone County Sheriff's Department range where I have attended a couple of Louis Awerbuck classes.

Bobbi has a detailed report over at her place of our excellent adventures yesterday, complete with many a photo, and I will suggest you go there and look at them.

Myself, I picked up a few loose rounds of .41 Swiss rimfire, because after plunking down money on the full box at the last show... I find myself reluctant to break up a full box of antique cartridges, yet I still want to shoot the Vetterli. I wonder if I can persuade the guys at Eagle Creek to let me shoot it there? I mean, I know Eagle Creek is pistols and shotguns only, but 10.4x38R has a lot less steam than any shotgun slug. Heck, with a 330gr bullet at ~1400fps, it's out-powered by a fair number of big handgun rounds these days.

I almost got away without purchasing any firearms, but at the last minute succumbed to an extremely reasonably priced S&W .32 Safety Hammerless 2nd Model, circa 1902 or '03, a blued 3 1/2" gun in nicer shape than the somewhat ratty nickel 3" 1st Model I already owned.

In the parking lot? Vespa!

By comparison, the Zed Drei's interior is positively palatial.


  1. So... Did the Vespa 'follow' you home??? :-)

  2. Nope, it wasn't for sale, (else my roomie would have been sorely tempted!)

  3. I know what size you are. I know what size the Vespa is. I know that you are larger than the Vespa. Do you have the power to bend space, or is this Vespa actually a tardis?

  4. Outdoor conservation club in Linden or Applied Ballistics indoor range in Lafayette should be able handle your Swiss Miss.

  5. Where's the fun show song? I miss the fun show song,

    Rob (Trebor)

  6. Looks like a Metropolitan that shrank in the rain.


    I'm thinking the open top was an aid to getting in/out for you!

    The US only got a three speed. Others got four?!

    I'm thinking it would be worth transplanting an RD350/400 engine into this. The thought of a triple Kaw or a H2o Buffalo was momentarily entertained, but fuel mileage would suck.

  8. Will: Hayabusa! Who cares about fuel economy?

  9. Wow. Somewhere between 12 and 18 HP. You could replace that engine with almost anything and improve it's power.

    Put a Harley motor in it, and confuse the heck out of everybody!

  10. Adorableicious!! Wife is considering a Fiat 500 as an in-town commuter when they start to hit the used-car lot...

  11. Did you have to go in through the top?

  12. With a car like that, investing in old Winchester takedown rifles and shotguns seems to be a great idea.

  13. perlhaqr:

    was thinking the driveline and brakes would have to be upgraded for that much weight and HP, even with the 3 cyl engines. Heck, the whole suspension system!
    I was being conservative, thinking a mere doubling (or so) of power might work, with judicious throttle control. And carb work to eliminate the lightswitch powerband entrance of the RD's.

  14. I'm thinking you don't climb "into" it, so much as "put it on".

  15. shouldn't that have rubber bumpers a foot square all around the car?
    Just Sayin'


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