Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dear Bill Maher,

Delta is ready when you are.


  1. Both of his viewers are shouting Right On!


  2. I'm sorry, but there is no other way to say it.

    Fuck you Bill Maher.

  3. Robert, no need to apologize.
    I might take advice from a sword swallowing, ball hugging libtard the day after I die.
    Until then he can FOAD.

  4. I know some of the poeple who live in the same lefty bubble of wealth and privilege as Bill Maher - not in the same weight class money-wise, but wealthy by any reasonable standard. For now, that bubble is still a great place to be. It will be interesting to watch as the dire effects of their politics strangle California and the creeping Third-Worldism starts toimpinge on their perfect world.

    I don't wish them ill. they are, for the most part, nice people. But they are immune to argument and they are going to have to learn, even though i dread the consequences of that learning process.

  5. Screw Delta. Trunk of a car, drive over the border and dump him.

  6. Only if I get to push him out of the door sans parachute once we cross the border.

  7. Delta is too good for him, China Air, or Ethopian Air...

  8. Bill Mahr has turned into that talk back host (Buck Henry) from the SNL classic era who supports busing known communist into your neighborhood to kill your puppies.

    A sad little man who has to resort to increasing nastiness and controversy to avoid fading away from the public consciousness.

  9. Is it too much to say that I can't see how a standard weapon could have helped here? If I'm holding a pistol, I probably won't kill a man dressed like a paramilitary fighter- no argument here. But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to stop him. Could I? I know I'm really getting tired of this, and everything from media sensationalism to coddling obviously insane people is responsible. What can be done to stop these murders? Do we have to have everything bubble-wrap protected by the .gov now?

    Meanwhile, Roger Ebert's blog is literally pulling facts clear from its ass...

    But people believe him, and they vote.

  10. Trunk of an old car, drive over the levee and dump him in the river.
    Singing, "When the levee breaks..."

  11. Had to share this... One of the heroes from the shooting, named Jarrell Brooks:

    I looked him up on facebook, check out what he posted back in January: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convience, but where he stands at times of challange and controversy." Martin Luther King jr (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968)

    The kid certainly practices what he preaches.


  12. As messed up as it might be, I'm actually kinda glad BM (the 13-year old in the back of my brain won't stop giggling at how... appropriate his initial are) tweeted what he did.

    Do I agree? Dear God no, and to think anyone would be so callous, cruel, or even simply outright stupid to write something so vile while the blood of a 6-year old was still soaking into the carpet just makes my head pound, my stomach knot, and my fists itch.

    But the GOOD part of it comes from the scores of liberal friends I have that have all reared back in horror, rather like wandering around the back of the mall at Christmas and catching a drunken mall Santa beating his elf while screwing the reindeer - the mask has slipped and they are started to see what kind of trash the guy spews, and are forced to start reassessing what they THOUGHT they were agreeing with.

    And that? That's well worth watching this creepy jackass shoot himself in his shriveled pathetic nuts. I'll swallow having to read his horse pucky if it means I also get to watch his own side start to burn him in effigy.

  13. Never really watched/listened to him. Now, I never will. That comment was crazy sick on a scale that makes Charlie Sheen's recent shenanigans look like the very model of Reason and Understanding.

  14. trevalyan,

    Face Shots, pelvic girdle, legs.

    If nothing else, hits on his body armor are going to hurt, get his attention, and focus on an armed you rather than an unarmed innocents.

    Historically these goblins tend to kill themselves once they come up against armed resistance. The fact this slug didn't makes it unusual for a number of reasons.

  15. Screw Delta. Let him walk or swim. His choice.


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