Monday, July 09, 2012

I got your bipartisanship right here.

And I thought politics stateside were acrimonious:

I am not entirely against imported ideas. For instance, I think the occasional gunfight between representatives on the House floor would spice things up and generally liven the otherwise dull parliamentary proceedings. If they televised them, maybe on a new station called CSPAN-RAW!, and allowed betting, it'd probably make for a pretty decent revenue stream.


  1. Not gonna happen. Our elected officials are all Beta Males.

  2. I'm no Southerner, but I wonder sometimes if the institution of caning oughtn't come back to the Senate.

  3. (BTW let me make myself clear: I did not mean Senators should be caning other Senators, I meant that Senators' constituents should be caning their Senators.)

  4. Especially since conservatives are more likely to be armed...

  5. The more anti-gun the pol, the more likely they are to carry- "for me, not for thee," after all...

  6. I'm sorely disappointed. not only did he -not shoot-, it was a crummy nickle plated .38 from the look of it.


  7. Gunfights on the Floor would certainly punch up C-SPAN's numbers. Unfortunately, there hasn't even been a good beatdown in over 150 years, and shooting is confined to sporadic sniper attacks from the peanut gallery.

  8. I like author H.Beem Piper who did some Sci-Fi back in the 50's. On a planet named "Texas" (maybe a bit different) if you found a politician trying to pull a fast one or cheat someone, it was okay to kill them. trials lasted about 10 to 15 minutes. Would make interesting times for sure.

  9. New Texas, from the book Lone Star Planet

  10. I was realy expecting the gold plated deagle or Hi-power. I guess you need to be a Minister for that kind of bling.


  11. I think they should bring back dueling. Televised at dawn. They could do pay per view. I'd kick in 20 to watch.

  12. Live from the Capitol ThunderDome...

  13. Never should have close Bladensburg Dueling Grounds.

  14. If they do this it won't be long, before the parties start searching the back halls of cop-shops, mil-shops, and shooting-shops, looking for the best gunslingers de jour.

    On the one hand, that means we're going to lose some great instructors and good guys. On the flipside, I think THOSE guys being the politicians would be more positive. Something tells me that if you elected Clint Smith to the senate, you probably wouldn't have too many shootings and also, politics might be a little nicer. I think the slimeballs might play nice if they're talking to the other team's dignified and fancy gunhand.

    This has merit...


  15. Not to mention that it would increase the political turn-over in favor of those who could actually shoot instead of all the Gecko45 clones currently in place.

  16. in the earliest examples of duelling we had the "judicial duel" to see who was right on a given legal matter. this might sound feasible now, in the judicial duel a champion could be engaged and it just became a matter of who had the best champion. i like the later for of the art, the "duel of honor", which might seem ludicrous given most pol's lack of anything resembling honor. however, in that form, one had to fight their own duels, no champions allowed, and if one declined to show up on the greensward, one had to make an abject apology in public and be the subject of wicked ridicule. one could even go for the "first blood" rule wherein the point was just to make a point and not actually kill someone. less dramatic, i know, but it would weed out all the lilly livers from politics in a hurry.

  17. Funny...the guy pulls off his shoe and chunks it. I get that. Then he pulls his revolver....and drops it? Loses it? Has it taken away by the moderator? WTF?!? After a brief flash of pistol, you don't see it again. I think the shoe was the bigger threat in this fracas.

  18. This is what unrestricted soccer will make of society. A society where men no longer know how to fight.

    Lots of running around without purpose, yelling and very little productivity.

    Won't you help me destroy soccer for a better world?

    Shootin' Buddy

  19. Alexander Hamilton was not available for comment.

    Earl Harding

  20. "This is what unrestricted soccer will make of society. A society where men no longer know how to fight."

    It seems to me that folks in that part of the world make an art form of threats and brandishing..... It took him like 3 seconds to draw, and why with his left hand? Only to then transfer it to his right?

    If you are going to draw, shoot.

    "If you are going to shoot, SHOOT! Don't talk." -Tuco


  21. Gun fights in Congress should be outlawed, unless both shooter and target are members or Senators, or staff members. Stray shots that nail media folk would be forgiven, but anyone else hit would be just wrong.

    Hey, there would be a chance one of the fallen kept the average down.

  22. Not quite the same, but a southern Representative beat a northern House member just prior to the Civil War. Check out the story about Preston Brooks, D-SC, 1856.

  23. He pulled his throwdown by accident...


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