Sunday, July 22, 2012

Overheard in the Kitchen...

Me: "...and I'm telling you, he knows what the windows on the short bus taste like."

RX: "'These windows taste like wetawd spit!'"
Just running that line back through my head caused me to spray coffee out my nose.


  1. I hesitate to ask how Miss RX knows...

  2. My question is which 'he' are you talking about now? Roger Ebert, Bill Maher, or the ever popular Michael Moore?

    Hey, and speaking of those great advocates for freedom - here's an idea for a 'MTV Celebrity House' reality show that I'd pay to see. Let's see all three of them and Rosie O'Donnell live for a year in a typical tenement of Upper Harlem, South Chicago, or any L.A. barrio. No bodyguards, no servants, no limos, and oh yeah - no guns either of course. Just them, all their precious luxury stuff, and a bunch of remote cameras to watch them enjoy taking public transportation everywhere or walking in such a pleasant neighborhood.

    I think the amount of time that it would take for them to start screaming about 'I can't live like this, or 'I need a gun to keep me safe' and you're denying me my rights!' could be measured in nanoseconds.

  3. And here is your sign

  4. Heads up for the PC police...


  5. MSgt B said...
    Don't forget your helmet!

    Seen Mike Damba's standup act? ;)

  6. doubletrouble,

    "Heads up for the PC police..."

    Joke 'em if they can't take a f$%k. ;)

  7. I'm so stealing that line of yours, Tam, the one that starts the post above.

  8. Bobbie is wrong.

    But, damn, that's funny.

  9. Considering what gets routinely applied to them, the windows probably taste like industrial strength Windex.


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