Sunday, July 22, 2012

Talk about what you know best.

Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection.
...or so says Roger Ebert. And believe me, if anybody knows "insane", it's Roger. He's personally trod every square foot of that terrain.

Careful you don't splash the blood around too much, there, Rog; those trousers look dry-clean only.

I call it "Jimmy Carter Syndrome", the disease that progresses with age and causes the mask of affability to fall away, revealing the bitter, petulant, sniping, shrewish character that lurked beneath the surface all along.


  1. Of course they're insane; how else could you describe a $200 tax on hearing protection?

  2. Well, yeah. They ARE insane. There's some kind of cognitive disconnect between an unmodified Second Amendment, which COMMANDS "...shall not be infringed" and laws passed by a legislature -- every man-jack and woman-jill of whom has sworn an oath of fealty to saidsame Second Amendment.

    Yeah, they ARE insane to think that a concentration of objects and a disregard for individuals and their behavior will change either. (The very same insanity is evidence by every law which seeks to define and "control" contraband of any nature. The very fact that someone perceived the existence of some object to be the source of a "problem" flies in the face of economic fact and is on the face of it craphosue rat bonkers.)

    Yeah, gun-control laws ARE insanse. When faced with reams of dispositive evidence that an armed populace has a built-in deterrence to crime, statist morons keep insisting that attempts to render the citizenry defenseless in the face of predators is a Good Idea.

    Yeah. Roger Ebert, the anti-gun laws of America and the rest of the world are batsh*t insane.

    And,as this is Blogger, I hope Google chokes on that.


  3. Rodger is a strong believer of the anti-gun end goal:

    "If guns were as illegal as murder, nobody would be murdered with guns."

    It makes sense ONLY to them. And they can't see why we can't see the "Logic" in that.

    Also most "Progressives" know that anybody can get a nice dose of weed, cocaine, LSD, Opiates inside of 24 hours if that's what they really want....but they expect the same laws that forbid such easy task will somehow stop bad people from getting guns to do criminal acts that are also just as prohibited.

  4. This is also a man who is very angry at the First Amendment.

    That's why he had his screed a couple years back about how video games can never ever be art.

    Because you see "art" shouldn't be restricted. And the things he likes, movies, are art and thus should not be restricted.

    I also love how in Chicago a city where carry is illegal (unless you work for the State), and where simply owning a gun is a massive legal hurdle... he just happened to run into someone carrying.

    And gotta love the liberal mindset of you don't feel safe? Just move.

    Right because it's just that simple. And bad things never happen in the burbs.

  5. The Jack,

    "And gotta love the liberal mindset of you don't feel safe? Just move."

    No, no: The neighborhood would be safer if the crazy gun nut moved elsewhere. Get it?

  6. “It would be safer if you moved.”

    It's a question of basic economics.

    Show me a non-hellhole neighborhood where first, last, and security deposit is cheaper than the cost of an LCP or BG 380.

  7. "No, no: The neighborhood would be safer if the crazy gun nut moved elsewhere. Get it?"

    Maybe by force if need-be.

    I think you're right, Tam, the "Progressives" really do want a civil war. Only problem is they don't want to get their hands dirty or potentially die for the cause, and they can't seem to convince the Prols to fight in their stead.

  8. In a sane world, today Ebert would be recovering from the horsewhipping.

  9. Cognitive disconnect is right...

  10. "That James Holmes is insane, few may doubt. Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection"

    So gun laws make people insane or insane people want gun laws?

    I'm so confused Rodger.


  11. I call it "Jimmy Carter Syndrome", the disease that progresses with age and causes the mask of affability to fall away, revealing the bitter, petulant, sniping, shrewish character that lurked beneath the surface all along.


    I deal with people with personality disorders practically every day. What you see is always what remains when they've tried every tack and failed: Pure, undisguised animus.

    People like Ebert (my wife met him) see themselves at the top of the New Utopian Order. They're smarter, better educated, more capable, more compassionate and more deserving than you. But after years of selfless effort, they become angry victims because you're not bright enough to see things their way, damn you. (Just shut the hell up and listen for once and everything will be fine.)

    They don't care about facts. Those are speed bumps along the way toward the acquisition and maintenance of power. (In the name of the "greater good", of course.) Reason must occasionally be set aside in the face of reality or progress can never be made.

    They're not rational and can't be. You mirror their insecurities and true self-image: You're inferior, unreasonable, prejudiced and barely tolerable, except as needed to provide a disposable means to an end.

    These are stable traits. There is no way to seek common ground. They are entitled, intelligent, highly experienced manipulators and unless you're doing their bidding, you're in their way.

    Remember that when you encounter these people.

  12. I just don't know how a blowhard like Roger Ebert is qualified to discuss anything. This man's job is to review movies for a living. His JOB is to review make believe fantasy for a living.

    How can ANYONE consider this man to be a source of qualified opinion on anything? This is a man who thought Independence Day sucked and Sideways was pure gold. Frankly, my only hope is that Roger Ebert will die and stop inflicting Americans with his awful movie reviews and opinions.

    Here's a clue Mister - one - gives - a - pile - of - donkey - feces - about - YOU.


  13. No, no: The neighborhood would be safer if the crazy gun nut moved elsewhere. Get it?

    I would love to live in a neighborhood/ gated community/ township where everyone was armed. Can we make that happen?

  14. Ancient Woodsman4:12 PM, July 22, 2012

    In a perfect universe, Mr. Ebert would be strapped down in one of those Minitrue chairs and forced to watch "Howard the
    Duck" until he proudly proclaimed it the best movie ever made.

    Of course that's exactly the sort of thing that folks like him would love to do to others, only worse.

    In my perfect little dream universe, every single day starting now I'll run in to fewer & fewer & eventually no, people who even know who or what an Ebert is.

    His opinion on movies - his profession - is increasingly irrelevant and I'm pretty sure he senses that, hence his attempt for some sort of relevance by using his outlet to showcase his arrogance & idiocy.

  15. Cognitive disconnect would require that first there needs to be a connection. And cognition.

  16. " I think the link is between the violence and the publicity. "

    Then why do you start your piece with THE KILLER"S NAME IN BIG CAPITAL LETTERS????????

    If "Somewhere in the night, among those watching, will be another angry, aggrieved loner who is uncoiling toward action", why do you, personally, choose to feed that, to push that uncoiling?

  17. independence day did suck, and sideways was pretty good. That said, Ebert is a jackwagon.

  18. I have a question: Which businesses or organizations are most likely to have "gun-free" zones?

  19. If I was going to present an argument for increased gun control as a way to prevent shooting sprees, I don't think I'd end it by mentioning a shooting spree in a country with strict gun control laws.

  20. I call it "Jimmy Carter Syndrome", the disease that progresses with age and causes the mask of affability to fall away, revealing the bitter, petulant, sniping, shrewish character that lurked beneath the surface all along

    Can I borrow that? Awesomely said.

  21. Jenny,

    Please do. This stuff's free for the taking as long as it's used to mock the ever-so-mockable. ;)

  22. "I would love to live in a neighborhood/ gated community/ township where everyone was armed. Can we make that happen?"

    Armed- most of the residents carry or have safes full.
    Two of the residents are FFLs.
    And this is in Kali.

  23. I call it "Jimmy Carter Syndrome", the disease that progresses with age and causes the mask of affability to fall away, revealing the bitter, petulant, sniping, shrewish character that lurked beneath the surface all along.

    Bullseye! This term really needs to become part of the common lexicon (if not the DSM, which may not be worthy of such incisive analysis).

    The deference heaped upon this ubiquitous pinhead is a constant irritant. His reviews are prominently featured on Netflix, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, etc ad nauseum.

    Gee, how can I watch a movie without first consulting the officially sanctioned Imbecile Perspective? Ebert's ratings are slightly useful for their negative information content--ie the higher the rating, the lower the probability it is a quality movie, and vice-versa.

  24. "Ebert's ratings are slightly useful for their negative information content--ie the higher the rating, the lower the probability it is a quality movie, and vice-versa."

    Funny, and true. Years ago (too many to mention) I figured this out as a teenager. If his review gave it a thumbs down, I knew I'd like it. Conversely, if he raved about it, I'd likely as not hate it. Rarely a miss with that system.

  25. Yeah. I read this crap a couple days ago. Everytime one of these antis goes on a rant after a nut went on a shooting spree, I go out and buy myself a nice, shiney new gun.

    Picked up a Colt Delta Elite in 10mm yesterday. Not because I need it but because I want it and I live in the good old USA.

  26. LOL I have the exact same system as Shrimp! Back when they were "Siskel and Ebert", two-thumbs-up meant it was a crap movie. Mixed one-up-one-down, I would eventually rent it, and maybe/maybe not regret the loss of those $5 (or whatever Blockbuster was charging back in the day). Two thumbs down, and I was at the theater that weekend. LOL 9 times out of 10, that system worked for me.

    That being said...why would ANYONE pay attention to a political commentary from someone who gets paid to watch and review movies to begin with? That'd be like me saying "hey, I saw 'Spaceballs', let me advise you on your bid for the Oval Office." ....wait...that would actually explain a lot about what's coming out of said Office these days!

  27. Rog is a grade-A #1 creep, always had a sense about him. Being a former denizen of Chicago, I have been privy to some indications of how deep his depravities used to run. Don't know about now, what with the stroke thing and all.

    Pardon me, but I don't think I'll take any moralizing from this asshat.


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