Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tab Clearing...


  1. I'll bet your Kraut gun-like object didn't have a white paint job to show off the decals better. :)

  2. Jim,

    Nah, the metal-chassis rifles were still a little too high-end for a small state college shooting team back in the '80s, so our 1913s had the wood stocks with the metal adjustable bits sprouting out of them, looking like Ahnold after he'd taken some damage in the aforementioned SciFi flick.

    Personally, I don't see why race guns should be any less plastered with sponsor decals than race cars or race bikes... ;)

  3. >>>...I don't see why race guns should be any less plastered with sponsor decals than race cars or race bikes... ;)<<<

    Blasphemy! You are no gentleman. :)

  4. i want a V22, just for the commute to work, yanno.

  5. I was impressed at how much the 10 m air rifles have changed since I competed in the early 80's. We were all shooting springer's back then and the single stroke pneumatic were just coming onto the scene when I quit keeping up with the sport.

    Lots of fun to watch it again, more fun to compete though!

  6. "Personally, I don't see why race guns should be any less plastered with sponsor decals than race cars or race bikes... ;)"

    Is race gun, that's why!

    Rob (Trebor)


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