Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Hot and dry.

I don't know why the local weatherman even shows up for work in the mornings anymore. He could have put the day's report for the last couple weeks ("Highs in the low nineties and dry as a bone,") in the can in late June and gone on vacation in the Bahamas and nobody would be the wiser.

I'm to the point where I'm almost jealous of weather like this; at least it's a break in the monotony. Here in Indy it just clouded up briefly and spit such a meager amount of rain that you would have had to run around to get wet. Seriously, the wet spots on the sidewalk never merged.

Yesterday? Low 90s and sunny. Today? Low 90s and sunny. Tomorrow? Low 90s and sunny. I'm reminded of the scene in Restaurant At The End Of The Universe, where they're stuck in the all-black interior of the stunt spaceship and Arthur Dent says he feels like he's going to be sick and Ford Prefect replies "Go ahead. We could do with a little color about the place."

Meanwhile, in the northern part of the state: Northern Indiana wells going dry, prompting state probe


  1. I get that vomit gurgle everytime I see a story how our governor is helping farmers deal with droughts.

    'Umm, are you making it rain? No? Just letting us make hay on our own parched former-marshground? Gee, thanks for lifting the burden you put on our backs!'

    'Creating an internet site so farmers can sell hay. Golly, glad you thought of that. We wouldn't know what to do otherwise. Derp.

  2. Here in the inland Northwest, we are kind of spoiled by how nice the irrigation setups are...but they only got that way because we get no real rainfall to speak of during the summer.

    I hope some of our farmers(and governors) are taking notes on this, for when we reach that 'people vs crops' water crises they always seem on the verge of down in Kalifornia.

  3. Ya know, I don't want to be that guy, but the weather you're talking about just sounds like any old Texas summer. I'll feel real bad about it...when you reach 96 consecutive days of 100+ like we did last year, with no measurable rain for seven months.

    But I do sympathize with the monotony of it all. After awhile, you just want to see anything, anything, but 100+ degrees and sunny.


  4. Dang...if the owner of the Dairy farm is republican, they'll hammer him/her. If they're democratic contributors...nothing to see here folks...move along.

    Sad...but that's what its come to most of the time.

  5. Steve Martin did it in "LA Story". Very funny movie if you have ever spent any time there.

  6. California already did people vs. crops. Smelt won.

  7. I'd go for dry. Just did a land nav course in full gear (including armor and SAW.) I look like I jumped in a lake.

  8. In Iraq from about mid-April to around September or October sometime, you'll never see a cloud in the sky. First time you see one, you'll react like some aboriginal savage, saying things like The gods are angry with us! We must appease them!

    Which usually becomes a discussion of the likeliest candidates for human sacrifice. I always nominated Al Gore - he's a guaranteed vote-getter.


  9. We measure rain in South Texas like this: take a ruler out and measure between the drops. Makes for better conversation. Last time it rained, I got 11 inches.

    Keep warm....


  10. "Northern Indiana wells going dry, prompting state probe"
    I can save them the expense of all their probing-- The wells are going dry because there isn't enough water down there. But I suppose they'll have to pay a special task force to figure that out. -- Lyle

  11. Rain? Wells? Our farmers down south in the Central Valley are getting killed by the EPA. Water for things like lettuce and tomatoes is being reserved for the Delta Smelt, a small fish that gums-up the pump-works on the state-long aqueduct. No water, no salad, no work - farms are dying.

  12. Rained on and off all day yesterday and slept with the window open last night in Vegas. If only it didn't make it feel like I was back in MI during the day when it gets hot out.

    Flash flooding in various areas of the valley to, fun times.

  13. I don't know why the local weatherman even shows up for work in the mornings anymore.

    Padding his 'correct forecast' stats?

  14. you sure your not back in north ga? the same forcast can be said for down here in good ol Hot lanta!!

  15. Just saw a news report where 50% of the Counties/Parishes in the U.S. can now have Farmers and Ranchers qualify for Disaster Aid from the Feds because of the Drought conditions.

    Got Food?

  16. I hope y'all get rain soon.I just went to Huckabee's Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day in Jax Beach in a 10 minute tropical downpour-2 inches.
    Chicken salad good.

  17. Got a tip for ya! Buy beef in bulk during late September and mid October. Ground beef should be well below a $Dollar and by next March it will be well above $2 dollars a pound, so if you buy enough it will pay for the freezer.

    Just a word of advice from old Farmer Frank...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James


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