Wednesday, August 01, 2012

QotD: He'll Just Take It Away From You Edition

Reader HL snarked in SayUncle's comment section:
I am also confused that someone didn’t take Holmes’ guns away from him during the shooting and use them against him, because I have been told that is what happens when you carry, especially openly.


  1. Snarkly perfection!

  2. That's different, though, because he's the bad guy. It's like that guy says on Breaking Bad.

    "You talk of someone taking a gun away and using it on you and you think that of me? NO. I AM THE ONE WHO TAKES THE GUN AWAY."

    Them's the rules.

  3. Good guys are hesitant to shoot, so much more likely to take gun away. Bad guys start shooting before you know they are there. Too late.

  4. Statistics show that a large proportion of mass killers are shot with their own guns!!

  5. P. S. That advice is just why women shouldn't carry guns. Nothing to do with men.

  6. You've got a bit of snark-challenge on your hands.

  7. If it had been in Texas instead of a trendy semi-urban area in Colorado, any bets that he'd have been ventilated long before the Mickey-Mouse 100 round drum jammed?


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