Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Lone survivor of the planet Krypton...

Pardon the fuzziness, since I had to grab the nearest picture-taking implement and use its digital zoom feature from halfway across Roseholme Cottage, but I swear to Bastet he was sleeping in this pose.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on in little Huck's chickpea-sized, blood-red, squirrel-throat-ripping mind...


  1. They are cats. They sleep in positions which would cause you or I to wake up crippled beyond any hope of repair.

    The cool part is that they can go from sleeping in a position like that, to running at warp 4.6 in 0.78 heartbeats....and not damage themselves.

  2. Communing with the mother-ship.

    For small reports they usually just stare into nothing. For the really juicy gossip they have to get comfy.

  3. +1 on Mr. B's comment! Never ceases to amaze me!

  4. I apparently have Huck's identical twin brother here in Washington state, up to & including the weirdly contorted upside-down, inside-out, bass-ackward (and awkward) sleeping poses. Mine, however, is also slightly retarded, and regularly falls off the furniture in his sleep.

  5. How else is he to rip the throats out of flying squirrels?

  6. Ours do this regularly, but they seem to have their senses specially tuned to the disturbance in the Furce caused by us coming close to a photographic implement.

  7. Our kittens have our dogs trained.

  8. "Our kittens have our dogs trained."

    Well, Yeah. Soak anything in bacon grease and the dog will lick it.

    Either that or use your kitteh mind-control waves to make it think you have been soaked in bacon grease.

    stay safe.

  9. Giving credit where credit is due, a cat's brain is about the size of large walnut. How much of it the cuddly and cute little murderers actually use is an open question.

  10. "Pardon the fuzziness"?

    Is Cat. Is supposed to be fuzzy.

  11. Awww! Reminds me of my kitteh, PBUH, MIA and presumed dead since the first part of May. He was a good kitty and a good buddy; we think he was 17 years old. We think a Great Horned Owl got him. Mah kitteh died as he lived, outdoors. I don't think he spent one month total indoors in his entire life.

    I am reminded of that old U-boot captain in "The Bedford Incident" who made a point of charging out of the bridge, so as to die in the fresh air.


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