Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bad parallel, Limey.

An English journalist for the Grauniad describes the film that has set the flightier elements in Instabilistan and Al Throwabriq off on another round of savagery as
"a really nasty piece of lying propaganda" which he likens to "a Jack Chick comic;"
News flash: There are Jack T. Chick comics that portray Catholics as deluded Satanists, homosexuals as sex-crazed rapists, and atheists as moronic thugs, and yet you don't see mobs of gays, Papists, and skeptics hurling Molotov cocktails at the Chickistanian embassy, do you?

No. No, you don't. Because the people in question are not savages. If they were anything like the way Jack portrayed them in his fantasy comics, there would be not one stone left upon another at Chick publishing. (Although he's also published one calling Muslims devil worshipers, so he may get his yet...)


  1. So, Want ANOTHER WAR! 10 years not egnough? How about 20? or 30? or 50? How much blood? Want to make us a third world s*** hole. Trash freedom FOREVER? Cause that is exactly what you get from this RAH RAH KILL EM ALL BS. 20 more years of war,100 tillion more in debt, and patriot act 2-3-4-and5.Maybe even some nice nuke fallout. This is EXACTLY what the neo-cons wanted . And you'r giveing it to them.This was a staged attack, backed by "Big Money", to keep those defence dollars flowing past this current "peace craze".

  2. Let's look at Arab-Muslim young men. Typically, they can't have alcohol (at least, not officially), their contact with eligible women is, at best, tightly circumscribed, and unless they belong to some "militant group" they aren't going to be able to gather up some friends and firearms and to the range and blow off some steam. What the hell are they supposed to do for fun other than blow up stuff that some "religious leader" tells them needs to be destroyed?

    Yes, this is a bit sarcastic and mean-spirited, and the Libyan mob is looking more and more like a hit squad than a spontaneous demonstration. But how easy is it to whip up a flash mob in Philly, for instance?

  3. "This was a staged attack, backed by "Big Money", to keep those defence dollars flowing past this current "peace craze"."

    Seriously, seek help.

  4. Wasn't it some neo-con named Obama who got the US (and NATO) to aid one side in that Libyan civil war?

    And this is the thanks that the USA gets?

    (Not forgetting to mention that Congress decided to ignore the fact that Obama broke US law about military operations to do that. Talk about undeclared, illegal wars by rampant neo-cons...)

  5. Sure thing, anonymous kook. Big Money paid the Libyan government to hand the US Ambassador over to AQ pukes to be raped and then murdered?

    Sorry, but no.

    The only appropriate response to a government raping and murdering your Ambassador involves 100 kiloton trident warheads.

  6. karrde: I'm pretty sure this kook thinks President Obama is a right-wing warmonger.

  7. @Kristophr:

    Sorry, it isn't the ONLY appropriate response. But it is the most appealing one...

  8. I'm kind of getting the impression that some Muslims seem to think their god is very weak, because they obviously have no or very little faith in his ability to punish the blasphemers himself. Not to mention their tendency to go after anybody they can get at rather than go to the trouble of trying to get the actual blasphemers, so: stupid, lazy or both or just don't really give a damn about the actual incident except as an excuse to do something else? Maybe a little bit of all of those.

  9. This is what happens when we help our enemies (al quida)take over from another mad man (kaddafy). But at least with Kadaffy in charge they weren't killing our people.

  10. In re Kadaffy not killing our people: Pan Am Flight 103

  11. Shrimp: I also advocated Bush's approach ... invasion and a special forces COIN war.

    In retrospect, this was a big fucking mistake.

    We don't want their land, and we don't want to build a nation for them.

    We want them to fear us for the next three generations, fear us enough to hang the next moron who chants "Death to America".

  12. And bombings in Germany killing US service people.

    But besides that he was a peach.



    It looks a lot more like the film was made by a Coptic christian from Egypt, played twice in some rathole theatre in LA, and then mysteriously translated and posted to youtube as a cover.

  14. Vaarok: Yup. This was a planned AQ assault timed for the 11th anniversary of 9-11.

    The film was just something they dug up to use as an excuse.

  15. It looks a bit more like somebody purpose-made it:

  16. All I know is, that when the Al Qaeda Battle Flag is being raised at overrun American Embassies, someone needs to return their Nobel Peace Prize.

    And the keys to the Oval Office Door.

  17. Hm. If this was something I was writing as a story, the twist might be that the youtube clips with the dubbed dialogue which started the whole thing (or were used as the excuse) were made by an agent of some terrorist organization like al-Qaeda.

    Njah, probably not. Would make a good story, though.

  18. It's time to dust off the TACNUKES and turn some places into parking lots with their 'own' lighting in a nice shade of blue...

  19. I was in the "ignore then as much as possible" camp for a while, but this can't be ignored. They also want the to punish those that made the film. It doesn't work that way here, and they have no clue why. As it turns out, it probably wasn't made in the states anyway, but nobody seems to want to confuse the issue with the facts. Still, even if it was made in the states, they can go pound sand, they don't get to tell us how to run our country by holding their breath till they turn, blue, rioting and murdering like savages, or any other tantrum-like foolishness.

    I'm still mostly in the ignore them as much as possible, but a large smoking hole now and then in response to such behaviour (or at least a free fire zone in defense of embassy facilities), in appropriate places may make a good point to such nonsense. Embassies are soveriegn soil, any attack on one should be met with exactly the same amount of enthusiasm as an attack on the US mainland.

    It's often interesting, seeing how others in the world see the US. They whine about how unfair the US is in regards to the issues they see as important, but want to do as they please on their own home soil, with no regard for any semblance of "fairness" regarding how they deal with problems, or who gets hurt in the process.

    I've often wondered what the policy of mexico is on people they find sneaking into their country, and how they are treated, just as an example.


  20. I am opposed to the use of nukes SOLELY because the fallout would endanger allied nations. Israel motsly, though wind can carry that stuff a long way. I would fully agree to getting air superiority then drop MOABS from one border to the other till no structure stands and nobody's left alive.

    And Thank you Kristophr for pointing out that the film had both jack and shit to do with the attacks. It was just arabs celebrating "Butcher Americans Day"

  21. I note that the Wikipedia article on Jack Chick says his work often accuses Catholics, Mormons, and Muslims of murder and conspiracy.
    One out three current...

  22. I am opposed to the use of nukes SOLELY because the fallout would endanger allied nations.

    Airburst at a certain altitude (and no I'm not going to be more specific). That solves your fall out problem.

  23. Gee, I wonder if "Big Money" rhymes with "international blooooooo..."

  24. Ken: Probably.

    A lot of the anti-banker folks are also conspiracy nuts of that stripe. Many of them have infested the LP, mostly because the LP is too willing to accept nutters if they can parrot ZAP ( Zero Aggression Principle ).

  25. OH, and if you weren't enraged enough today:

    The Ambassador, Anne Patterson, had taken all live ammo from their Marine guards months before.

    From KGS Nightwatch:

    She did not permit US Marine guards to carry live ammunition, according to USMC blogs. Thus she neutralized any US military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.

    In this respect, she did not defend US sovereign territory and betrayed her oath of office. She neutered the Marines posted to defend the embassy, trusting the Egyptians over the Marines.

    She apparently judges that Egyptian President Mursi spearheads a democracy and a new civil order, despite the mounting evidence that Mursi disregards US interests, cavorts with US enemies, is a budding authoritarian ruler who disdains parliament and does not honor the basic obligations of diplomatic agreements and the Geneva conventions.

  26. If we're talking things that won't happen, forget formal diplomacy or nuke strikes, we need to send in Ranger Captain Pickett to have a "Last Man Standing" sit down with the various faction leaders (the formal government and the MB in most cases).

    "Listen real careful because here is the point. Things in this town are out of control. Two gangs is just one too many. I'm not an idealist. I know a lot of things that people do are awful low but that's between them and God.

    Do you believe in God? I believe in God.

    But what I'm concerned with is keeping a lid on things and what we got here in Benghazi is just way out of hand and President Magarief here can't do much about it, right? Matter of fact, it might be fair to say that he's part of the problem, right?

    It's over, son. I'm coming back here in 10 days and I'm going to bring about a battalion of Marines with me. I will tolerate one gang because that is the nature of things, a certain amount of corruption is inevitable, but if I find two gangs here when I get back then in a couple of hours, there will be no gangs here.

    So it's simple. One gang quits and goes home. You boys work it out. I don't give a damn which one. Just as long as one side leaves or maybe one side loses. That's fine, too. Kill as many as you want just don't kill no innocent people around here. I wouldn't like that."

    No nation-building or vulnerable occupation, just an occasional, thorough, house-cleaning to maintain something resembling a tolerable (by us) order.

  27. Ever read The Grave of the Hundred Head?
    It seems relevant right now

  28. Still in favor of the BLU-82B answer. talk's too cheap.

  29. "Still in favor of the BLU-82B answer. talk's too cheap."

    I say drop about a dozen MOAB's over Tripoli, patterned and set to detonate just high enough to break every window in the city, followed by a simple letter to the government stating only, "Bring us their heads. You have one week."

    Also, I do believe it's time to pull the USS Iowa and USS Wisconsin off of museum duty and recommission them. There's a certain intimidation factor in having a battleship parked off the coast that just isn't matched by any other ship type in the fleet, and it seems we're currently missing that capability.

  30. @ Jake (formerly Riposte3)

    "There's a certain intimidation factor in having a battleship parked off the coast that just isn't matched by any other ship type in the fleet..."

    I figure thrice daily supersonic formations of low-flying jets over their cities are pretty intimidating too.

  31. "I figure thrice daily supersonic formations of low-flying jets over their cities are pretty intimidating too."

    True. But a battleship is there constantly. Just sitting. Waiting. Quietly watching.

    It's kind of the ultimate in passive aggressiveness.

    Besides, nothing says "You done pissed us off, dumba$$" better than being bracketed by nine 16 inch shells just close enough to knock you off your feet. Just for emphasis, you understand.

  32. I really like the idea/comment to pull the Iowa out of mothballs and run a patch down the barrels and go on a Mediterranean cruise. That'd be swell and the guys in blue and khaki service need the practice.

  33. Jake (formerly Riposte3)

    There's something visceral and satisfying about looking down the barrels of a couple 16" turrets...But wouldn't you want to share the love with inland cities?

    Anyway, I'm all for armed and willing passive aggression.

  34. Seriously! Wassamatta wit' all dem in Libya! If it weren't for the goodole USA, they'd all be speakin' Arabic er sumfin'!

    Do I NEED to close the sarcasm tag?


  35. Hell, just the 5-inch deck gun on the old USS Hornet parked in Alameda off Berkeley freaks out the damn hippies. It's kinda pointing at the UC Campanile...heheheh

  36. Oh, and it just got worse.

    Apparently the retards at the Whitehouse kept their new assraping Libyan friends in the intel loop.

    The Special Forces QRF that was sent in to get the survivors out was mobbed by AQ.

  37. Good God! It's Jimmy F'n Carter all over again.

    As much as I want there to be a proper response (and by that I totally endorse the 'nuke the shit out of them' option) I know there won't be one. None, at all. With 0 in the WH, we'll be lucky to get a good round of pointless dithering before he bows down to their leader and makes the really hard decision to issue a strongly worded apology for misunderstanding them or some such nonsense.

  38. It seems we've developed a tradition of visiting the Barbary coast around the first or second decade of each new century and saying hello, loudly enough to get somebody's attention.

    Almost time to do it again, don't you think? And I suspect the Libyan bit was an imitation of the mess in Egypt a week before, which was almost certasinly staged entirely by the Muslim Brotherhood.

    I mean, let's be real. The Egyptian army could have been there in 3.2 minutes, unless they were specifically ordered away.

    O.k., political control of Libya passes back and forth between the eastern tribes now in power (thanks to Barry and the Frogs), and the western tribes (along with their Tuareg mercenaries), formerly led by Daffy Kaddafi.

    As British General DeChastain said while runnung UN operations in Bosnia, "There are no good guys here".

    But the westerners are savagely anti Muslim Brotherhood, whomever controls the oilfields controls Libya, and the western tribes never had a problem with dealing oil to Europe.

    Time for Israel to drop off a few hundred thousand captured AK's, some fresh RPG ammo, and a few dozen Sephardi instructors.

    Likewise, most of Iran's oil is in the ethnically Arab south and south-west rather than the Persian heartland to the north.

    If the Israelis open up on Iran after an Obama win, or with permission from a victorious Romney, the Iranian government is pretty much forced to start shooting at everybody or risk letting the Iranian people realize the Emperor Has No Clothes.

    Then, after we piss away 4 or 5 hours destroying the entire Iranian military and power/communications net, it becomes really easy to sic the 'Rags on their ancestral Persian blood enemies, backed by volunteers from each gulf country.

    One imagines the UAE would send some of their Brit and Belgian mercs, but the white pipeclayed crossbelts and kid gloves might make a really good target :-)

    I was at Colt's when we got the UAE contract for A-2's and M-4's, and they specified polished black enamel finishes on their magazines, because the wax impregnated gray mags smudged their uniforms.

  39. Shrimp: It's OK ... President Barky just traded $1.5 Billion dollars in Libyan aid for four new scapegoats ...

    I'm sure some student AQ dupes will be handed over so he can declare victory before the election.

  40. Oh, and the Chinese are now taking advantage of Barky's perceived weakness.

    They have announced the annexation of a Japanese Island that happened to be close to some off shore petroleum reserves, and are sending six ships to try to chase off the JSDF.

  41. It is time like this that I wonder what St. Olga of Kiev would do in this situation.

  42. ::Reads up on St. Olga:: ::blinks::

    Clearly a redhead.

  43. "... President Barky just traded $1.5 Billion dollars in Libyan aid for four new scapegoats ..."

    Ha! So the joke's on them, then, since with the latest round of quantitative easing foolishness, that translates to roughly $650 in any currency but ours, a bushel of corn, and a box of Band-aids...

  44. Joe in PNG:

    Something involving napalm, I'm sure.

  45. Yah, if the fireball doesn't touch the ground, the fallout ain't too bad.

  46. I am so tired of the Goddamned Mohammedans. Twenty or thirty megatons worth of incandescent lithium deuteride on the K'aaba, right now, please.

  47. As pointed out, wouldn't really need nukes if just want to get the point across: between JDAMs and MOABs, I think even the most dense would get the idea.

    Makes you wonder if would've been worth it to upgrade one or two battleships to nuke engines and keep them operational just for the "We're here, and we're waiting" option. There're two guided-missile cruisers sitting off the coast now, but naval artillery would seem to offer some extra options that Tomahawks don't(Yes, I know they have one of the new 5" guns each; just not the same as what you can get with 8" or- in the "We're REALLY pissed" scenario- 16").

    Of course, any of that depends on a President willing to actually DO any of those things.

  48. Don't forget that you can pick out child molesters via the hairy back, ugly people are always evil, good looking people are usually good, and all gay men have beards. Oh yeah, Dungeons and Dragons is occult training for Satanic wizards.


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