Thursday, September 13, 2012

Forget smuggling handguns from Virginia...

...or cigarettes from Quebec, the hot ticket to riches in the Big Apple as of this afternoon is smuggling Big Gulp cups from New Jersey.

They're cheap, they're legal at the source, New Yorkers are a proven market for almost any black market product you can name, and best of all, even if you get intercepted crossing the Hudson with your illicit Styrofoam cargo and the NYPD opens up on you, it's not like they could actually hit you (and the Palisades make a safer backstop for them than Fifth Avenue does...)

(H/T to The Broken Patriot.)


  1. Just buy a three-liter.

  2. "Opponents say they are weighing their legal options."

    Hah. I see what they did there.

  3. "Opponents say they are weighing their legal options."

    Hah. I see what they did there.

  4. Shit like this is why I find it nigh impossible to stop myself from smacking every liberal that spouts of about "a woman's right to chose what she does with her own body!"

  5. Big Gulps are still ok. They get regulated as a grocery store. No restriction.

    Starbucks big old Vente Grande mocha whatcha-ma-ever is bigger than 16 ounce, but also not restricted. Because it has milk in it.

    Got that from NPR! And now I know. And knowing is half the battle! GIJoe!

  6. Like 7-11 et al. won't simply start selling 2-for-the-price-of-1 20oz drinks.

    I hereby propose an amendment to the US and all State Constitutions, requiring that every lawmaker be equipped with one randomly-selected high school senior, and that before signing any bill or making any public statement, said lawmaker shall be required to ask the kid "please identify my stupidities here."

    We could give the kid high school credit and pay him/her $50,000, and we'd be WELL ahead of the game.

    Plus, it would be fun as a hiring manager to later on see resumes coming in that said "I'm the kid that saved us from the Twinkie Two-Pack Ban of 2013".

  7. "We could give the kid high school credit and pay him/her $50,000, and we'd be WELL ahead of the game."

    The tip of the iceberg in that department. Heck, the sublimation fog off the tip of the iceberg.

  8. So, does that mean if the NYC police catch you with a large bag of sugar, you are subject to forfeiture?

  9. Ah, have discovered the Quiki mart loophole.

  10. psst...hey buddy, wanna buy a 32 oz.?

  11. Drinks are just like magazines.


  12. Damn it Tam now everyones goint to do it and cut into my market share.

    Sigh.... Capitalism.


  13. "it's not like they could actually hit you"
    I sprayed soda out my nose.
    that shit BURNS.

  14. Lifting this straight from Reason:

    "Fruit juices and milkshakes are not affected by the ban even though both can have sugar content right up there with your Cokes and your Mountain Dews. The ban affects restaurants and movie theaters but not convenience stores, so New Yorkers won’t be able to get a 20-ounce soda at McDonald’s, but they will be able to get a 50-ounce Double Gulp from 7-Eleven. Furthermore, the ban shouldn’t affect diet or sugar-free drinks, but as The New York Times reports, establishments with self-service fountains will not be able to stock cups that hold more than 16 ounces. So essentially, thirsty people will want to avoid the targeted businesses altogether even if they’re drinking healthy."

    Just FYI.

  15. Self-service fountains are no longer going to be serviced by 32-oz cups? So what? Just make more trips for free refills. I always got small drinks anyway, they were cheaper, and with free refills it doesn't matter to me how many times I got up. With whatever else was in the meal, I probably needed the exercise.

  16. This just gets 'better and better'... NOT!!!

  17. Hi Tam,

    It appears the Broken Patriot link is broken.


  18. So Big Gulp is exempt because 7-11 is a grocery store, and the bigger grocery store chains sell 66 oz (2 liter) sodas from the refrigerator case so what do we call that, the Big Gulp loophole?
    And McDonalds has free refills, and you can buy any size for a dollar, so unless you buy at the drive thru you can still get a "Bloomberg"* of sugared beverage at a fast food restaurant.

    *A "Bloomberg" of beverage is an amount of beverage in excess of 16 oz that is sufficient to quench thirst on a hot day and is dangerously fattening to control-freak Mayors.

  19. If I were the owner of a cinema in Nueva York, I'd open a store next door that would only sell cooled soft drinks in bottles and that would open just before the cinema.
    You could get oversized straws in the cinema.

    Or I'd install double cup holders and sell two 16oz cups for the old price of one 32oz cup.


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