Friday, September 14, 2012

Bartender, pour me a hemlock...

...matter of fact, make it a double:

From's front page. No further words needed.


  1. Are they sad because of the image itself, or the condition of what the image shows?

    Com'on Tam, stop resisting and join in!

  2. I didn't see any topless pictures of Catherine. Hell, I don't even know who "Catherine" is. I guess she must be someone famous for the royals to be "saddened".

  3. I've been feeling much the same way. Waiting for more of our countrypersons to wake up. Waiting for Romney to grow a pair and show some righteous indignation.

    It makes me feel all... <a href=">bitter and clingy</a>.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Have a great weekend and fix my lame HTML please

  5. Well, it looks like Apple needs to get some more iPhone5 Press ASAP!

  6. I'll admit I checked. Not worth your bandwidth.

  7. But, royal bewbs!!!

    At this point I'm looking at anything that distracts the media from Romney's "Gaffe" as a godsend. Maybe after flashing blurred images of The Princess Cleaveges they can memory hole the whole thing and actually cover what's happening right now.

  8. I admit, I'd rather see a picture of Cat's tits than another of Islamic Rageboy. Just human male, I guess....

  9. Katherine who?

    Kate Mara?

    What's sad about that?

  10. I'm travelling. The ONLY two stories on the front page of "America's Newspaper" USA Today are "Obama Leads" and "Will We Be The First Martians?"

    NOT a serious people.

  11. Geez, the first thing I see on CDNN's web site is a copy of their current catalog...

    Oh, wait. There's no "D" in there?

  12. As a Brit friend of mine observed on Facebook this morning, this kind of thing would never happen if there weren't a market for it.

    Worse, somebody else said in the same thread that Kate was underage when the pics were shot. Nice folks at the Brit tabloids, eh?

  13. The fluff stories are popular because that is what the US MSM is pushing hard right now.

    They are desperately trying to yell "squirrel!" in order to avoid letting Obama look like Jimmy Carter Mark II.

    If you want real coverage of the current events in Dar Al Islam, you need to go to the BBC.

  14. I agree with Kevin: given a choice between looking at pics of some loons rioting and burning, or an attractive woman (even a moderately UNattractive woman), I'll take what's behind Door #2 every time.

  15. Makes sense to me - I wouldn't go to CNN either if I wanted actual news.

  16. I just put this at Jay's for another subject but what the heck...fits this reason, too:

    The root of all evil like this since time immemorial is that the general public is not and has never been as smart as the average person.

    Maybe that sounds a little cracked, but it's true.

  17. And it looks like people are getting past CNNs censorship attempts.

    "Arab Riots" has moved to the top of Bing's search terms.

  18. And the feds are right on top of dealing with the problem ... via censorship.

  19. Err, that's a measurement of what's popular with CNN's readers. I'm sorry, is there something surprising about this?

    Kristophr, I believe the maths formula you intended was probably Carter^2...

  20. Read the comments on to their stories and it will educate you to the intelligence level of the their typical reader.
    I'm surprised lighting farts and whoopie cushions didn't rate higher that boobies.

  21. C'mon, there's plenty of time in the day for both boobs and burning. And the boobs page is worth a couple visits, at least, right?

    Man, I can't believe I just typed that. We're all just gullets waiting to be filled with whatever the media mavens are shoveling.


  22. Don't believe the Media's crock-o-poo about how an obscure, short, re-dubbed video is entirely at fault for worldwide conflagration.
    If it was true then anything is true.

  23. Fell asleep to Top Gear and woke up to BBC news. The top story was...topless Kate. I had to go to the internetz to see "nothing to see here"

    those crazy Amish...

  24. C'mon, there's plenty of time in the day for both boobs and burning.

    As I've always said: Get the best of both worlds - make love AND war!

  25. Just be glad the media is there to keep us abreast of developments.


  26. Now, do you people understand why I drink too much? I want to be numb when they come for me. Numb, I tell you.

  27. I have just found out that my SAT scores, from 1967, will easily get me into Mensa. There are entirely too many people with two-digit IQ scores who get to vote.


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