Friday, September 14, 2012

It must be a day ending in "y".

CNN reports:
In Afghanistan, hundreds of demonstrators in the eastern Nangarhar province burned a U.S. flag and chanted "Death to America"...
Uh, in the Islamic world* the events described above are usually termed "Friday". (Thursdays they chant "Death to Israel".)
Call me when you've got some news, there, CNN.

Stories don't get much more dog-bites-man than that.

*Also Dearborn, anywhere the WTO is meeting, and Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley.


  1. MSNBC: Bush/Cheney corporate friends reap huge profits on the death of Americans in Libya.


  2. Me: why aren't we reporting napalm dropped on these jackasses?

  3. Jay Carney/MSNBC:
    It was because those filmmakers wore short skirts or something.

  4. "...our country is stronger, safer and more respected in the world."

    So sayeth TOTUS on 9/11.

  5. I understand that in Afghanistan, Thursdays are reserved for a different traditional male bonding ritual...

    Maybe they're chanting while enjoying the afterglow cigarette?

    Meanwhile: "Vilerat" (Sean Smith) tribute article on the SA frontpage -

  6. Jayson: Because having the Air Force drop napalm on CNN is a Posse Comitatus violation.

  7. Because having the Air Force drop napalm on CNN is a Posse Comitatus violation.

    Can we settle for MOABs?

  8. You should come to Dearborn some time. It's both exactly like that and nothing like that.

  9. I have a new idea. If they want to storm an embassy, let 'em. Let them all in, as many as they can get in there that want to go in. If the mob wants to climb the walls and storm the gates, don't try stopping them, just clear out and wait until they're all inside the walls.

    Then hit the place with a Tomahawk or five.

    We only kill the guilty ones that way, but we kill them all, and we do it brutally and decisively. And after we do that a couple of times maybe the rest of the barbarians might think twice before doing it again.

  10. Why aren't we dropping napalm on the Media who built the strawman video argument to cover for the Unicorn Rider's incompetence and careless disengagement.

  11. Forget napalm - that's such a target rich environment it deserves a reply from a B-52.

    Since it's football season, we could call it 'Linebacker III'.

    Go Huskers!

  12. Actually, Tam, as much as I hate to nitpick. It's ManLoveThursday.


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