Saturday, September 22, 2012

QotD: Wish I'd Said That Edition

In a comment over at Unc's about the pointed questions Obama was asked by Univision reporters regarding Fast & Furious, questions the US media has ignored with a vengeance, Reno Sepulveda wrote:
Yet another example of a Mexican doing a job Americans are unwilling to do.
I would have given my right arm to have typed that zinger. That left a mark.


  1. Yeah, it's always the one that gets away that stings.

  2. Oh, daaaaamn. I'm wishing I'd come up with that one myself.

  3. Thank you Sensei.

  4. Ouch. That one hits hard enough to leave a sizable crater!

  5. Ow! My balls!

    Mike James

  6. Univision is a Miami-Cuban outfit, I believe.

    What possessed Obama's handlers to throw him into the lion den, where real questions might actually be asked?

  7. I have said that of Mexican border patrol agents guarding their southern border, but you are right, this is probably the best example and best use of the phrase, we can only hope it left a mark, and like you, I wish I'd said it.


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