Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Barack! A-ahh! Savior of the universe!

First was the joke about the SEAL movie where the new leader, call sign "POTUS", shows up and whips the wacky misfit boys (and girls, because this is Hollywood) of SEAL Team 6 into shape so that he could lead them on a daring mission to take down Osama.

Then came Snarky Posters providing smuggled stills from the imaginary movie.

But, lo! Harvey Weinstein actually made it happen!

Perhaps dismayed at the dilatory post-election release date of Zero Dark Thirty, he is determined that Americans get a chance to see their Dear Leader bravely taking down Bin Laden before they head to the polls on the first Tuesday in November. No word if Barry actually fast-ropes out of a helicopter with a knife in his teeth at any point in the movie, or if there's footage of Romney-financed Halliburton operatives trying to sabotage one of the helicopters...


  1. Helluva campaign ad; especially since it's paid for by Hollywood.
    No media bias here...

  2. I love the pensive pics of POTUS "thinking about stuff" in the Oval Office. "He's so ronery" comes to mind

  3. I'm gonna see this. The comedy value ought to make for many blog posts.

  4. I have it from reliable sources at SOCOM that BHO took out all of OBL guards with a driver and killed Bin Laden with a sand wedge.


  5. Found the Flash Gordon Easter egg.

    Well played, Tam. It's almost too bad Romney doesn't resemble Ming in the slightest (then again, Michelle doesn't look like Dale Arden either but what the hell).


  6. Great job, team. Head back to base for debriefing and cocktails.

  7. I hear Obama modeled his performance on a combination of Gregory Peck in 12 O'Clock High, Lee Marvin in The Dirty Dozen, and Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge.

    Also, they cast Jim Carrey doing a riff on Clint as the unit screwup, his character is named M. T. Chair.


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