Thursday, October 04, 2012

Blrrgl...huh?!? Whazzat?!?

Time zones, how do they work?

My Indian Alarm Clock (a last tall glass of tasty beverage right before bed) misfired, because it somehow had me toddling off to the facilities at around 0530... Roseholme Cottage time, which is a normal wakeup time for me, but is 0MyGod30 in the morning here.

So I went back to sleep and woke up with a start, only to realize that the rest of the Nerd Ranch was slumbering peacefully because, while my internal clock was telling me that I was late for work, it was only a little after seven locally, but it was 6:30PM in Azerbaijan, and... oh, lordy, I wasn't going to have a post up by eight.

Anyway, sorry I'm late. World blow up or anything cool last night?


  1. world blow up comes this weekend , as usual your ahead of schedule because i haven't mixed the tannerite .

  2. Well, some mormon dude had a paper sack with 'Barry' written on it. He was eating sandwiches out of it. I don't think the mormon guy is named Barry tho...

  3. Well, I think The Won's world took a hit last night.

  4. Obama made Joe Biden look smart last night.


  5. Overheard on Twitter: Remember when they found out about Milli Vanilli? Yeaaahhp pretty much that. - Iowahawk

    Have some fun!

  6. That depends on how much you cared about the presidential debates.

  7. "That depends on how much you cared about the presidential debates."

    Apparently more than Obama did. ;)

  8. New Boss, Old Boss Theater had some big show on last night. Season premier or something.
    Missed it so I wonder what it was about...

  9. KM,

    One does not have to have a dog in the fight to enjoy watching the predicted underdog handily demolish the "acclaimed reigning champ".

  10. And in that dog fight it was 2lb Chihuahua meets 200lb Mastiff. The Mastiff just placed his paw on the Chihuahua and pressed down, friendly like.

    It wasn't like the Mastiff fought, it was the other dog just wasn't in class to even fight.

  11. World Blowing Up? Well, since Iran just decided to A) Block Google, B) Block Satellite TeeWee from the BBC, and C) shut down the Black Market Money Lenders so that the Serfs who bring in their wheelbarrows of Weimar Bucks can trade them in for Spare Change, I expect the next couple of steps will be Direct Rule by the Assaholas and a "Lovely Little War" against the Great, Not-so-Great, Kinda/Sorta Great, and the "meh" Satans. But other than that, no, not so much.

    Oh, and Tweedledee and Tweedledumb had "Reasoned Discourse" on the Main Stream TeeWee last night. But I have Netflix, so I decided to Upgrade to "Eureka" re-runs myself.

    So enjoy that Summer Weather Down Under (or whatever Time Zone you're in).

  12.'s something you can play around with the next time you need to waste a little time to shift your innerd-time for a time-zone shift...

    For some reason I thought of you the instant I read this...

  13. Yeah... time zones... Went from Texas to Kyrgyzstan in the last day and a half...

    Been awake since four, it's a quarter after seven now. Awesome.

  14. This Zone time is annoying, now that all God's Chilluns got computers, and communicate around the world.

    I swear, when we get back to Standard Time, I'm just gonna set my watch to Zulu, and do the mental calculation to get local time.

  15. I came back from China last week, I had me a 37 hour Thursday.

    I'm too old for this crap.



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