Saturday, October 13, 2012

Come shootin'...

Due to a last-minute cancellation, there's a slot open at the Indy Aim Fast, Hit Fast class with Todd Green next weekend.

I'll be there. Absolutely the best return I've gotten on my Gun Skool hours. Can't recommend it highly enough...


  1. Awww nuts.

    I won't have the ammo stocks by next weekend. Either by reloads or store bought.

    Hope someone else comes and takes advantage of it.

    They sound like great classes.

  2. Send him to Texas. I'll wear eye protection, and everything.

  3. Gun show weekend. So that sort of negates that.

  4. "Gun show weekend."

    I know! How bitter am I?

    "Chocolate or butterscotch! You must choose only one!"

  5. Ah, nuts. As much as I would like to terrorize Todd again I have Basic Pistol and Concealed Carry Classes next weekend.

    Sadness. I agree with you. The best Gun Skool ever.

    I am preparing for the trip to Hoosier Land though. I bought a new ride to wander around with a bit more peace of mind this week on Eisenhower's Interstate thingy.

    Unfortunately the new ride came shod with FoMoCo branded "Summer Tires". They will not last long however. The Pirelli P0 225/40ZR19's are not long for this earth, but they are fun as hell right now!

    Hows the nose?

  6. Keads,

    "Hows the nose?"

    I'm calling Dr. A on Monday to find out why I have still not gotten my referral to Dr. B.

  7. Even though I clearly couldn't run with the big dogs in AFHF and my ego was severely bruised as a result, it was a great experience. I learned much. (I did somehow manage to earn a "Drop 200 lbs" pin on a steel run but my FAST times were abysmal.)

    It isn't a "tactics" skool. It's a "shooting" class.

    And it's well worth any serious shooters' time.

  8. Curse you...

    I now have 'Come Dancing' by The Kinks stuck in my head...


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