Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tab Clearing...


  1. Ames is a college town with all the problems that come with said infestation.

  2. RE Ames: I can also make a case for Article One, Section Eight, specifically..."To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States...."

    Ames seems to have forgotten that he has a FEDERAL Firearms License, and the Federales have Supremacy over Legal Firearms Business.

    So as long as the Licensee has been following the BATFE Rules, I think Ames can Go to Hell.

  3. Bubblehead Les,

    "So as long as the Licensee has been following the BATFE Rules, I think Ames can Go to Hell."

    Actually, you've got it precisely backwards.

    This is sort of how the BATFEIEIO slashed massive numbers of "kitchen table" FFLs from their roles in the mid '90s: Not by not renewing their licenses, but rather by finking on the licensees to local zoning boards. "Did you know Mr. Bubblehead is running a firearms business from his home? Is his home located in an area that is properly zoned for that?"

  4. (To elaborate: Part of having any non-Type 03 FFL is that you must be actively engaged in the business of manufacturing or selling firearms. If the mayor of Podunk says you can't be running a business out of your home, the BATFEIEIO will have to oh-so-reluctantly take away your FFL, perhaps wiping away a great big crocodile tear as they do so. If there is another federal regulatory agency so actively hostile to that which they regulate, I don't know what it would be. Compared to the BATFE and gun dealers, the EPA positively LOVES coal-fired power plants.)

  5. I think a better expression of the love might be EPA's relationship with chrome plating shops.

    The EPA is still friendlier with chromers than ATF is with guns.

    Ames has a LOOOOOONG history of driving gun businesses out of town.

  6. Thanks for the link to Kathy Tam. I've added her to the blog roll.

  7. Bubblehead les:

    Back when I still had an FFL, I made sure my business conformed to Portland's home office business exemptions for residential neighborhoods, and I filed 1040Cs every year as evidence I was running a business.

    The BATFE's demands that I put bars in the windows finally shut me down. I rescinded my own license, and then denied them permission to audit me, as I was no longer under their civil administration ( they changed the rules after I did that ... you now need their written permission to rescind your own FFL ).

  8. Like JD said, not much in Ames except a big State University, and all of the Liberal indoctrinators, er, "educators" that come with it. Eeewww, no scary guns here, do it for the children, even those with piercings and tats.

  9. there are days that I'm glad that I live in Waterloo and all the edumacter's live in Cedar Falls...

  10. I remember clearly when in 1994 Secretary Of The Treasury Lloyd Bentsen declared with outrage that there were people with FFLs running gun businesses out of their kitchens, and he was going to put a stop to it. (BATF was under the Treasury.)

    I was amazed. The man in charge of the agency that was supposed to see to our national solvency was proclaiming that he was going to shut down legal cottage industry in this nation.

    I am still ashamed that man was a fellow Texan.

  11. Oh, cool! I just lurve Kathy. Like Tam, she came very close to banning me from Oleg's old High Road forum. Sent quite an e-mail rocket up my behind, she did.

    She still seems to put up with me, which is amazing.

  12. I wonder if anyone on the Ames City Council even knows what a bill of attainder is.


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