Monday, October 29, 2012

Fetch my Reynolds Wrap yarmulke...

You know the old saw about how bad weather at election time favors the GOP because, I don't know, only Wall Street fat cats can afford umbrellas and warm coats these days or something?

And remember how George Bush used his evil HAARP technology to cause Hurricane Katrina because he hates black people?

Well, I'm just sayin'...

Maybe it's a coincidence and maybe it's not, but we've got motive and means, here. I think it's safe to tentatively hang the blame for anything bad that happens during Hurricane Sandy on Dubya.


  1. After being blamed for every ounce of government stupidity for 4 years, it's about time he took revenge.

  2. Democrats, when confronted with a task that's mildly hard or unpleasant, tend to assume that "someone else" will take care of it for them, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. Their expectation that "the government" (an entity, to those among them not actually employed by it and even some who are, only slightly less amorphous than "someone else") will take care of everything that really matters is, after all, what makes them Democrats.

    Republicans, on the other hand, tend to recognize that "someone else", to the extent he exists at all, looks _remarkably_ like that dude in the mirror. And so when what we regard as a civic duty (there are those who do not regard it so, but they are of course irrelevant to the outcome of elections) imposes on us an unusual burden, whether light or heavy, we bitch, moan, complain...and then do it anyway.

    Or sometimes we don't...and then Barack Obama becomes president, to chasten us for our foolishness.

  3. Weel, if only 2 Million Greens hadn't conspired with Bush to steal the Election from Algore, then all the Global Warming Attack Plans would have been in place, and this Storm wouldn't even had existed!

  4. Since I hadn't read triumphant MSM accounts describing the Weather Machine discovered in the WH basement, I had assumed that Bush had it relocated to Crawford prior to 20 Jan 2009.

    Glad he waited for the most opportune moment. One thing's certain - Dubya is a lot smarter than any prog who holds his stupidity as an article of faith.

  5. Obama was supposed to speak where I work today, but canceled due to Sandy. I can just hear it now, the CIA ginned up this storm to keep Obama voters home.

  6. Great link to the HAARP article. I wonder who whisked him away to Neverland, the Evil Bush Operatives or the Spelling and Grammar Police.

  7. THIS is the October surprise !! Brought to you by Mitt Romney and the evil Koch brothers, who paid off Mother Nature.

  8. Actually they are already making the usual claims - which are without any actual basis - that the hurricane is the result of "climate change".

  9. Must resist asking what caused hurricanes back when the climate was static...

  10. "Must resist asking what caused hurricanes back when the climate was static..."

    No you must not.

    The two must common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity.

    Since hydrogen does not cause hurricanes ( unlike Co2, someone would have told us if it did) STUPIDITY must have caused this.

    Hurricanes are mother nature's way of using up excessive stupidity.

    So this is the GREENS fault! It's a perfect storm: Obamacane

  11. Must resist asking what caused hurricanes back when the climate was static...

    Andy by God Jackson!


  12. Well, Tam, my leftie friends are floodwaters deep into posting links about climate change and this storm.
    They were days late.
    My pre-emptive strike about the 1804 Snowicane fell on deaf ears, of course.
    'Cause, you know, anything that happened so long ago is not relevant to the present. Like, the US Constitution, for example.

  13. I imagine some truth to this; much of the freeloading democrat base istoo lazy to do anything that could be construed as work for their dole.

  14. So, Dubya is at his ranch in Crawford Texas playing his HAARP while New York Floods?

  15. Heard this morning on NPR radio:

    "President Obama is returning to the white house to take control of the storm."

    Which prompted a vision of him high in the atmosphere, manipulating the sticks 'n strings of a marionette.

  16. Well, Obama did say he could stop the water from rising...

  17. I know it must be true because Analog Magazine predicted Weather War in the 1960s....

  18. Heard this morning on NPR radio:

    "President Obama is returning to the white house to take control of the storm."

    Which prompted a vision of him high in the atmosphere, manipulating the sticks 'n strings of a marionette.

    If it had been Ronald Reagan or Andy By God Jackson the image would have been riding the 'cane like a bronc.


  19. I think even God uses Accu-Hunch weather.

  20. Windy Wilson for the win.. . .


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