Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kryptonite, Sweet Kryptonite.

I will be leaving the yellow sun of the Mountain Time Zone and unfamiliar beds and returning to the red sun of the Eastern Time Zone and the comforting surroundings of Roseholme Cottage, which means I will be losing my new-found super power of being able to spring awake and alert instantly in the mornings a full two hours before decent humans are even thinking about stirring.


  1. "Decent people?" Watch it there, Tam. You may want to run for national office sometime. :)

  2. "Just click your heels together 3 times and say..."

  3. Safe travels, Tam. It was so great to see you this weekend. One day soon, you'll have an entire day in which you'll not be haunted by the recollection of me torturing a ukulele with a Ramones classic. Maybe. :P

  4. I wanna be sedated?
    Coincidentally, I'm flying back to tha FLA from Salt Lake today. Gallenson's had a rack of 03A3's ranging from decent to minty. Gads I miss that place.

  5. What I like about Maui...getting up at my usual time is really early.

  6. Ukulele. . . the Ramones. . . ?

    I think i just broke my brain housing group.

  7. Goodness gracious, I think you might be the funniest person I never met.

  8. The long term question is, did you indulge long enough to become addicted to green chilies?

  9. Nothing wrong with Ramones on Ukulele...

  10. Now that everybody is connected world-wide, I see no more reason for keeping zone time and the so-called (spit!) Daylight Saving Time.

    All of us who live at different longitudes and are awake at different hours would prolly be better off by just keepin' Zulu on our computers.

    If I had my druthers (and some bucks) I would buy me one of those watches which keeps time of two Zones, and would set one display to Zulu and the other to local Mean Solar Time.

    With distortions like Standard Time and DST, you get people telling you that 12:00 o'clock is Noon. No, it is not. Noon is when the Sun is highest where you are.

  11. I think Joey would approve of the instrument and song choice.

  12. Totally OT, but I got my Sample Ballot in the mail today. Roseanne Barr is running for President? WTF?

    God help us.

  13. Do you sing this to the tune of "Lida Rose"?


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