Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hit the meter, Ruth; it's stuck.

Something seems to be wrong with's site tracking software.

I find it hard to believe that more Americans clicked on a story about crucial foreign policy issues facing our republic in the upcoming national election than on a lifestyle blurb on a dude who croaked after power-eating cockroaches.


  1. Whoa. Are those people insane? Passing up roach-eating for Afghanistan?

  2. Cockroach dude wasn't a celebrity, so he doesn't really matter.

  3. And punching a lawyer? Who doesn't identify with that?

  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    M-m-m-m-Multi Post!

    I don't think I'd want to live after a live roach eating contest. And as has been said many times before, the American people are smarter than most people give them credit for, in this case they are just cramming for the final.

  5. Son, I'm going to need you to hand over your unregistered, fully-automatic assault keyboard. It's OK, I'm from the government; you can tell by the sunglasses.

  6. Hey, It's not such a big jump from roach eating to roach killing in Afghanistan

  7. Rumor had it that the Obama-Romney story had nudity.

  8. Well, if you notice, all of the others were videos. Maybe a bunch of folks with low-bandwidth connections were reading?

  9. The question that needs to be asked is why that many people clicked on in the first place.

    Since I discovered that oh, about 80% of the News Feeds are just repeating what AP is sending, I just use that app, followed by the BBC for what's happening in the rest of the World.

    Unless I need a Laugh, then it's the New York Times for me!

  10. There's no way that lawyer punching isn't number 1!

  11. It is an election year...

    That said, the only one I looked at was the $280K apartment. Such are the priorities when you're house hunting.

  12. Died after a roach eating contest? So sometimes there is justice, after all.

    Wait a minute - lawyer punching? This goes beyond mere justice to proof of a benevolent God. Move over, Saint Anselm!


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