Sunday, November 04, 2012

To repeat my jokes from Facebook...

...and Barry gets the coveted Iranian endorsement.


Remember the days when you could count on the Ayatollahs to back the GOP?
Apparently, Hurricane Sandy caused a shortage of domestic air, so we're having to import ours from Canada for the nonce. It's really cold and smells faintly of poutine and Labatt's.


  1. Mmmm. Labatt's. Tasty, eh?

  2. Ahhh, poutine! How I miss it. Sadly, I can't eat the starch anymore, but I still drown everything in gravy.

    And don't forget Galettes. Most French-Canadians started out as Bretons anyway, and it shows in the diet.

    Us pink Celtic/celiac types often can't handle gluten stuff, but compared to buckwheat, the starchy crap taste like glue anyway.

    A galette is filled with ham, eggs, braised spinach, and cheese, all wrapped in an easy to grab buckwheat crepe. Just add a Guinness to create sunshine on a cloudy day.

  3. We have just a hint of French haughtiness and escargot in the air, but then again I’m mucking stalls.


  4. LOL, Gerry wins the comments today! :-)

  5. Also from your Facebook page: That bit about use of the word weapon.

    Back in December 2009 I made my first 4473 purchase in almost a decade.

    When the dealer brought it out from the back he unboxed it and said "here is your weapon".

    Having seen firearm used in so much gun writing I was taken aback for a brief moment at the strong honesty of what I was actually buying.

    Oh and BTW you still have an open friend request from me on there :)

  6. You are lucky the air didn't pass by Montreal on the way to you, else you'd also have the patchouli oil smell from McGill ...

  7. That's not so bad, the northern import air in Denver smells more or less of feedlots. The joke on leaving work is, "Ooh, smells like snow."

  8. Labatt's 50s. Good times, good times.

    Or if you want to be a little crazier, drink more than a few bottles of Molson's Brador Liqueur de Malt and do the Brador Shuffle - one stagger forward, two to the side, and again.


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