Tuesday, December 18, 2012

CalifARnia, here we come!

Guess who owns 6% of Bushhamster, via their half-billion dollar investment in Cerberus?

The California State Teachers' Retirement System.

That's some delicious irony right there. The tortured hand-wringing from the column's author is almost uncomfortable to watch.


  1. "Does Freedom Group not facilitate social injury?"

    No more than Ford or Honda, you disphit.

  2. Over at the Firearms Blog is an announcement that Cerberus is selling the Freedom Group. Too much bad PR I guess.

  3. Looks like Cerberus is selling off Freedom Group:


  4. Also: Does anyone here actually have a good, solid report about the AR-15 involved last friday? I have alternately seen reports that the shooter used it to do his murdering; or that it was found after he had killed himself in the trunk of his car, implying it had not been used.

    I know that it would be really convenient for the blood dancers' goal of banning AR-type rifles and other such "assault weapons" if one was used here, so finding a definitive answer may be difficult, and, frankly, I just don't have the cope right now to wade through the gore-and-horror porn the media is churning out in such volume to seek the answer for myself right now. I can most likely handle reading a single page with definitive answers, but swimming through the muck... I have chronic depression; I have SAD and it is quite literally the darkest part of the year right now; I'm an EMT with white knight tendencies and I've been doing my CEs and refresher classes to re-up my license and we've been discussing mass casualty incidents and pediatric trauma and man, that thread by which my sanity hangs is getting mighty thin.

    So I apologize in advance for not being able to look myself.

  5. From the article: "If the company were unable to find private investors unless it changed internal policy -- perhaps by only supplying such weaponry to police departments and military -- then Freedom most likely would do so. Capital is, of course, the root of capitalism."
    Yup, except if they did that they would be a horrible investment. That would be ignoring a huge market, and who would invest in a business that does that?

  6. perlhaqr,

    "Also: Does anyone here actually have a good, solid report about the AR-15 involved last friday? I have alternately seen reports that the shooter used it to do his murdering; or that it was found after he had killed himself in the trunk of his car, implying it had not been used."

    The long gun found in the car was a shotgun: http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3753745

    The 5.56 was used for the shooting. (In a case like this it's often not worth taking the TV off "mute" for the first 48 hours as it's almost certain that nothing you hear will be true.)

  7. Not true?

    But, layers of trained professional oversight!

  8. "Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own." -Baron Rothschild

    So it would appear that emotion interfered with logic and reason in investing, which is not good for the individual California retiree.

    Could it also be that Colt's repeatedly challenging the U.S. Army's awarding of the M4 contract to Remington entered into the decision?

  9. The sad thing is, Bushmaster might have been the only performing stock in the CALPERS portfolio. The past tense usage is correct, as they have announced they're divesting.

    'tis better to die by your ideals...


  10. California retirees don't have to invest prudently, the evil private sector will bailout the deserving public "servants".


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