Monday, December 17, 2012

# This Poll.

WSJ online poll on whether or not large capacity ammunition magazines should be banned.

(For those on the other team, they're referring to "assault clips".)


  1. You forgot to say, "Vote early and often" -- after clearing cookies and logging out of your browser between votes ;)

  2. Chas,

    I guess I really have been out of Chicago for too long.

  3. Heard of another Poll taken this Weekend that asked if there should be More Gun Control Legislation or Less. About 52% said Less, with about 48% saying More, and very little "I don't knows."

    What's probably hidden in both Surveys is that (and I'm guessing here) is that the 52% in both Polls own Firearms, while the 48% don't. And if the 48% ever get Laws passed to Ban AND Confiscate by Force, they should remember that they don't have enough Firearms on their side to make it happen.

  4. I can think of nothing more useless than a magazine ban.

    I have magazines for several lifetimes and I am not alone.

    3-D printers will make magazine available at a mouse click.

    A feckless, unenforceable law which will do nothing but undermine the law. This is why I think it is perfect for Congress to chase its tail over.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. I think we need more gun control legislation.

    The federal version should start out:

    1. The National Firearms Act of 1934 is hereby repealed.

    2. The Gun Control Act of 1968 is hereby repealed.

    and go from there.

  6. I keep wondering why those who would restrict mag capacity would be OK with 10 children murdered. How about 5? 1?

    It isn't the gun, how it looks, the bullets or the capacity of the mag, it's the bug-nuts crazy sociopath behind the gun that's the problem.

    Perhaps we should ban over-sensationalization of shootings so that more of theses guys that want to go out in infamy don't get the idea?

    Hell, there nearly all committed by males, lets ban males from schools!

  7. "Hell, there nearly all committed by males, lets ban males from schools!"

    I guess you haven't been to a school lately. They just about have banned males from schools. There are very few men in any capacity in most schools, there are quite a few in social studies, have to have coaches for the boy's teams donchaknow, and a few in math and science, but my 15 year old only had one male teacher until she hit 7th grade. Now, because she hit the lottery she has three male teachers out of 7.

    If she were taking a class load less "male", fewer AP and science classes, she could easily have 1 or no male teachers, as a sophomore in high school.

    Find me a male daycare worker, or a male school nurse, we're untrustworthy and evil, especially if we are white. But hey, we can be janitors maintenance men.

  8. Woodman,

    My sons preschool has 3 guys that rotate through his class. Almost everyday at least one of them is in the classroom. But, I agree that they are underrepresented as a whole.

  9. I live in NJ.. I have never ben able to figure out what makes thw 16th cartridge evil.. In a lot of other places it the 11th.. Just doesn't make any sense so me

  10. A sheet of tin, a piece of solid but flexible metal wire, some tin snips, and a ball-peen hammer. Look, ma, I just made a magazine!

    Is it good? No. Is it good enough to kill a jackbooted thug and take his weapon? It was for the French, the Poles, and the Jews.

    We need to ban tool use amongst apes, clearly...

  11. The WSJ online forums are open to non-subscribers. I used to post there quite a bit but then I realized it was like wrestling with the proverbial pig; you both end up soiling yourselves but the pig enjoys it.

  12. The WSJ online forums are open to non-subscribers. I used to post there quite a bit but then I realized it was like wrestling with the proverbial pig; you both end up soiling yourselves but the pig enjoys it.

  13. 73% AGAINST?! I did not expect that. Warms the cockles of my heart

  14. Heh. Cockles. Funny word. Isn't that what you do to a gun after you put the assault clip in it? Cockles it?

    I don't know about that, but I do know bayonet lugs should be banned because #nosportingpurpose. And scary looking.

    Also something about semi-automatic or something because I don't even know what that means. #sprayandpray.

    Oh, yeah. I forgot- eleventy1111!!!!

  15. Now it is 74% AGAINST banning high capacity rifle magazines. We would not want a tyranny of the majority here, would we?

    Revoke the NFA, the GCA and the rest at both the Federal level and the state level. Expand the DCM (with the NRA's help as that was their original purpose) so that all citizens and legal residents who wish are trained in the appropriate use of firearms. Promote the appropriate carrying and use of firearms. Have every adult exercise primary responsibility for their own safety, assisted by government employees such as police officers. There will still be some who are unwilling or unable to assume that responsibility, but there should be sufficient others to meet the needs of society. We do not need more trained police officers, but we do need more trained, empowered citizens, even in our schools.

  16. Still we can't afford to sit here in our own echo chamber and pat our backs. This will not die quickly. We all, each and everyone need to go out and engage the opposition. To write letters to the editor, to refute the landside of lies, and hype that the media will spread in thier quest to use this tragedy for political gain.

  17. I guess I really have been out of Chicago for too long.

    There's no such thing as being "out of Chicago for too long." Every second in Chicago corrodes your very soul; every second out of Chicago gives your soul a chance to heal.

    Why, yes, I am a Saint Louisan (though I now live in Arizona). Why do you ask? ;-)

  18. Why dont they have a poll asking if we should re-instate all the federal funding for mental health care thats been cut since 1975? If you dont have insurance in this country and you are...for lack of a better your rocker; good luck finding help. Most of those folks end up breaking enough laws to eventually go to prison, but even there they dont really get the help they need.

  19. In light of the tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary, it is time to re-read a 1997 report from CDC ( “CDC analyzed data on childhood [less than 15 years of age] homicide, suicide, and firearm-related death in the United States and 25 other industrialized countries…. The firearm-related homicide rate in the United States was nearly 16 times higher than that in all of the other countries combined; the firearm-related suicide rate was nearly 11 times higher; and the unintentional firearm-related death rate was nine times higher.” Fortunately, firearms deaths of children in the United States ( ), after peaking at 935 in 1993, fell to 426 by 2000. Since that year, roughly 400 children have died from guns every year, leaving the United States with a childhood firearms death rate that is several times the average seen in other industrialized countries. This is the price that American children pay for our current firearms practices. For their sake as well as ours, how can we do better?

  20. The largest school massacre in US history was in Bath Michigan.

    The killer used explosives and incendiaries that he stockpiled in the school basement.

    He used a club to kill his wife, and used one round from a rifle to set off the carbomb he drove up to the front of the school.

    One club, one round of ammo in a lever action rifle, and a half ton or so of explosives and incendiaries.

  21. Bob: The CDC defines "children" as anyone under the age of 21.

    Including inner city gangsters.

    Try again, sport.

  22. Oh, and Bob, about the Clackamas Town Center shooter:

  23. The problem with the poll is that our fine representatives on the Hill have long ago ceased to care much about the will of those they supposedly represent

    Obamacare consistently polls with 55+% disapproval, but it still passed, and it hasn't been repealed.

    Congress usually polls around a 20% approval, but generally gets an 80% re-election.

    If anyone believes that a 73% poll against a high cap ban is going to give Feinstein and her buddies even a 5 second pause, you have more faith than I.

  24. (another oldsailor incidentally)

    "The problem with the poll is that our fine representatives on the Hill have long ago ceased to care much about the will of those they supposedly represent."

    I think that's because they view their tenure as There to Rule, not represent.


    The reason the Republic isn't working is that it's being run as a Democracy.

  25. "Should high-capacity ammunition magazines for rifles be banned?"

    Do they mean to ask,should standard capacity magazines again be banned and reduced capacity mags reinstated.

    The desire of the ill informed seems to be,if your cat shreds your new drapes and makes a clean get away,you should beat the dog and chain him up outside.

  26. You beat the dog even if the cat accidently hangs itself in the curtains. It's just the right thing to do for the greater good.

    That antigun horse has got X's for eyes and they haven't stopped flailing yet, and never will.

  27. Assault clips hold eight 30.06 rounds and go "PING!" when they are ejected. Why does anyone want to ban them?


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