Sunday, December 09, 2012

Oh, to have been a fly on that wall...

Aide: "Mister President, the South Korean rapper 'PSY', the one who did that 'Gangnam Style' video you and Michelle thought was so funny, is scheduled to perform at the upcoming Christmas In Washington concert you're going to be attending, and it turns out that back in '04 he was in a video singing lyrics like 'Kill those f--ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives and those who ordered them to torture,' and going on to say, 'Kill them all slowly and painfully,' as well as 'daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers.'..."

Barry: "Okay, and...?"

Aide: "You don't see how this could be spun as bad PR, sir?"

Barry: *blank look*
The bitter clingers seem upset. Team Blue State seems puzzled at their reaction. Same planet, different worlds...


  1. PSY had a apology on news yesterday. That's more than the Westboro Baptist Church or several of our "allies" will ever offer.


  2. I actually watched that video on YouTube yesterday...someone else had mentioned the whole "Gangnam Style" thing, and I didn't want to feel lost anymore. .....please...someone tell me how to lose myself again!

  3. And those of us in the middle understand both sides, but just don't care.

  4. Hmmm ... bet he might think differently if the US pulled out of there, and threw him to the NORKs.

    Gagnam stylin' in the Gulag!

  5. Naw, that would have only been relevant before the election. Why should he care now?

  6. Not enough "bitter clingers" left for Obomination to care about "bad PR".

  7. Bitterest of clingers here... couldn't bring myself to care, from a combination of "foreigners gonna hate", "wogs gonna wog" and "yeah, not gonna rush to our defense on that issue".

    I say "my country, right or else" as much as anyone, but empires don't qualify for that kind of affection.
    Although can't you imagine some guy on a Coruscant farmworld yelling "damn dirty alien-loving rebels! Those peaceniks on Alderaan had it coming, making us use our Death Star like that!"?

  8. The first few times I heard the song, I thought someone made a song about Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Gundam Style! I thought, "Whoa! That Big Bang Theory show really has made geekdom popular!"

    Then my wife brought me back down to Planet Earth.

  9. And Obama would probably respond "Would you guys give the Bill Ayers thing a rest?"

  10. Barry- "Come on, it's not like he said something bad, like supporting limited government or ending the redistributionist state."

  11. The "glass parking lot" crowd is probably outraged as well, without noticing anything odd about it.

  12. It's okay. I'm sure the Secret Service will have a sniper or two at the concert in position, in case he tries to make good on any of those lyrics.

  13. eeky,

    "The "glass parking lot" crowd is probably outraged as well, without noticing anything odd about it."


    In fairness, however, the "glass parking lot" crowd isn't simultaneously trying to collect a check from Ahmadinejad for singing at the big Revolution Day shindig in Tehran.

  14. Why not? They share an agenda.

  15. As I wrote in a comment to a later post, above, the NTs really are quite dangerously irrationally crazy, picking fights which might get us all killed for stupid monkey social-dominance reasons.


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