Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Miscellaneous images from the holiday weekend...

En route to lunch at Yat's, the crosswalk signal at 54th & College attempts to distract me.

Turk's brekkie at Taste on Sunday: A BELT. (Bacon, egg, lettuce, & tomato.)

My brekkie at ditto: Sausage gravy on cheesy biscuits with three eggs and a drizzle of Sriracha. There was bacon on the side.

Shootin' Buddy maintains that a well-ordered world has three things: 1) Hooks in bathrooms, 2) Pants on monkeys, and 3) Slings on long guns. He used the provided crayons to illustrate the problems with Zest's bathrooms on the paper tablecloth Saturday morning. No pantsless monkeys were observed, so we were good there.


  1. I have been known to do guerrilla hook installations.

    Take a hook, screws, and driver along.

    Or screw hooks.

    For metal doors, just bend a heavy wire or flat piece of steel into an s shape to loop over.

    Most doors are 3/4 or 7/8 inch thick.

  2. Husband says, "Fuckit, just shoot the monkeys with the long guns, use their ribs for hooks, solve all the problems at once."

  3. I'd like to specify good hooks. My coat is a good 15 pounds. It'll rip a flimsy hook right out.

  4. Yes on heavy duty coat hooks in bathrooms. Indiana Is a state that doesn't always remember that they have winter. I have no opinion on pants for monkeys, and I am a multiple violator of the slings for long guns rule.

  5. That BELT was a tasty sandwich!

    Requires multiple napkins, however, as there is a fried egg within.

  6. RE: Monkeys
    Are pants mandatory for all monkeys?
    Or are monkeys allowed to wear skirts, kilts, sarongs, or other un-bifurcated garments as suits their tastes and/or societal mores?

    RE: Slings on long guns

    RE: Hooks on stall doors
    Heh... The mens rooms of the local arena received guerilla modifications along those lines some years ago. It started with my sneaking in my 14.4 volt cordless Makita and some assorted bits to fix the cup holders that had recently been installed. We were season ticket holders for the minor league hockey franchise and were tired of dribbling drinks from out of plumb cup holders so I fixed them. And having proven that I could walk in with a huge ass freaking drill (arena is in IlliNOis, I'll leave the CCW implications as an exercise for the readers)I might as well make the place fit my needs. Public building, I paid for it (sorta partly), so I should be able to "tweak" a few things right? Heh....
    So our cup holders got fixed. The nearest restrooms got nice solid coat hooks installed with tamper resistant hardware (of a different pattern than the arena used mwuahaha). And the best bit... There was a section of railing in front of our row. The second bar down got a neat row of holes bored into it, nicely reamed and painted to match. On game nights a selection of S hooks appeared and we had a nice place to hang our coats. So by all means, if the local eatery doesn't have hooks add them! Heck, keep a couple of the big 3M Command Release hooks in a coat pocket and install them as needed. Betcha it'll be there the next time. Or.... add a hook to the end of the divider between booths, hang your coat, when you leave take the hook with. Maybe someone will get the hint.


  7. BGM, Claire Wolfe would be so proud of you.

  8. Not sure what it says about the current state of my life but that actually perked me up a tad rickn8or.


  9. Wait, ate those cheesy biscuits ,sausage gravy,three eggs,and a side of bacon?
    You look so thin in your pictures,do you not eat at all, the other 6 days of the week?

  10. perlhaqr,
    My coat is a good 15 pounds. It'll rip a flimsy hook right out.

    Da-yam, how many magazines you got in that coat?

  11. Hmm, well one of my shotguns came with a sling, and it is of course a long gun. I'd contest that one. The sling tends to rattle and get hooked on things in the woods. I'd also question that rule regarding a Win 94 or similar carbine, but that comes down to personal preference. I don't know how many times I've had a sling catch on something as I'm handling the rifle, and YANK! but it's been a lot. The term "necessary evil" comes to mind. -- Lyle

  12. well Tam, I wanted to e-mail you this but can't find it in the sidebar. Do a youtube search for "Econo can" if this link doesn't work. It's hilarious.


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