Monday, February 18, 2013


Tooling down the road today, the winter sun dappling sterile tree shadows across the Subie's hood, the iThingie served up "Goodnight Lover" by Fluke, and suddenly I was racing the Orient Express, on my way to exchange the briefcase full of secret documents for our spy captured by the enemy agency, perhaps being shadowed by the bad guys' helicopters...

Seriously, it's on the short list for perfect soundtrack tunes for a wintertime euro driving montage in a technothriller. When I sell my superawesome action shoot-'em-up spy movie screenplay to Hollywood so I can retirer, I'm going to put my foot down and insist that this tune is in the movie.

As an added bonus, the very next track played was "Headhunter v1.0".


  1. Hopefully you'll be driving something something Italian or British with lots of cylinders and an astronomically high redline and price, and not a beater Scooby Du.
    Will you toting a JMB creation, a Plastic People Popper, or sticking with the PPK ?

  2. headhunter. wow. hard to believe "front by front"came out in 1988.

  3. Always been a fan of Atom Bomb, though the trippy-ass video probably has a lot to do with that. Actually, Risotto is a pretty decent album top to bottom, now that I cogitate on it.

    Anyway, _my_ personal cold war spy fantasy playlist involves Fluke as well, followed up with Crystal Method's High Roller, and the Penetrators' Last of the V8 Interceptors (A real piece of history...)

  4. Poobie beat me to Atom Bomb.

    I kind of miss MTV's AMP.

    My cold-war spy fantasy would have a certain comedic absurdity to it, perhaps simply portrayed in the main character. No matter - I will do whatever I have to do to work Rossini's The Thieving Magpie into it.


  5. It also works for the careful, methodical-to-fast-to-WhatJustHappenedThere fight scene, and burglary-to-obtain-the-McGuffin montage.

  6. Remind me to never listen to that at the gym...

  7. Your iThingie has good taste!

    I know what I'm going to listen to when the Boards Of Canada album is done.

  8. I got all excited ( a Fluke song I'd never heard of! ) until I realized that Fluke was not Flook.

  9. @global village idiot

    I've been partial to Crystal Method's Keep Hope Alive myself. Chow Yun-Fat got a great opening scene in The Replacement Killers.


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