Tuesday, February 19, 2013


All the years of being around guns and shooting has me guilty of a sort of jaded hipster affectation oftentimes these days... ...and then I see this video:

In 22 years in the military, a lot of it doing the highest-speed, lowest-drag jobs there are, Pat Mac has probably spent more time actually engaged in pulling a trigger than I have sleeping, and look how fired up he still is! Look how much fun he's having!

That's a heck of a commercial, actually. Dang, I want to take a class from that dude pretty badly right now.


  1. Yep. I became an instant fan after someone posted his transition drill video. I'm not sure I'm on board with putting the rifle on safe during the magazine changes, but I'm willing to defer to his experience. His enthusiasm and verve is positively infectious and reminds me why I got hooked on guns in the first place: They're awesome!

    "Let's rock!"

  2. When did a stupid box drill become a "grid of fire"?

    Back in my day we used flintlocks.

    All this was orchard and I wore an onion on my belt which was the style at the time.

    Why are you kids on my lawn?

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. That shipment from Columbia... Coffee. Just coffee.

    He gets three con-ex's a day!

    Just coffee.

  4. Teaching motivated students may keep one fired up long after the ordinary enthusiasm expiration date.

  5. Never much cared for the over exuberant type of instructors. I'm more of a laid back type of guy, but I'm sure it has served him well thus far.

  6. And, SB, you're posing. They
    called them firelocks.

  7. What ever Trips your Trigger, Tam.

    Too Bad with the Ammo Shortage and it's FEBRUARY up here on the North Coast, it's Dry Fire, Dry Fire, Dry Fire.

    Which reminds me, I need some more Snap Caps. The way these Anti-Gunners are Pushing, we MIGHT have to do some Shoving in a few months, so it's time to Practice, Practice, Practice...

  8. Younsters,

    We used to do the El Prez with atlatls.


  9. I'm jaded about a lot of things. Don't mean that i don't still participate in them with wild, often still reckless abandon.

    of course, reckless these days is most anything that involves moving my knees very much.

    Should actually be spelt Wreckless.

  10. First impression: Takes the subject seriously. Doesn't take himself too seriously.

    That's an appealing combination in a teacher.

  11. All movement should be to cover or to the ground to lessen your self as a target. Every thing else is BS to make the instructor biger in his own mind.

  12. Ed Jones,

    With all due respect, this is a skills drill and not a tactical simulation.

    Pat Mac's credentials are pretty much as good as they get.

  13. I've got to get up to speed with this modern technique. I've been practicing around the house by keeping my hands up around my chest to do everything.

  14. Oh man, I want to take a class with this guy. It would be the most high energy class ever, with him bouncing around like that and me being, well, me.

  15. I'm a heavy flint point kind of guy, not like these youngsters with their high velocity light weight flint points. Ya need penetrtation, not speed.

  16. I'm with Og. That made my knees hurt.

    But it looked like Good Training.

  17. Wait, so you don't watch Hickok45 to catch his infectious laughter and the fun of shooting? Or do you only shoot to practice for defensive use and not for fun?

  18. No somersaults or firing two guns at a time? He can't be a real operator.

  19. Where is the "trust" exercise? ;-)

  20. I took a carbine/pistol course from Pat last August. He DOES take subject more seriously than self, and he's for sure exuberant.
    Much of the course did consist of repeatable skills drills, that definitely made you work. Time and $ well spent. ReadyreadyBREAK!!..

  21. Sorry Tam, Hoo-Raw Hoo-Raw people give me a migraine. They did when I was 18 and they still due at 66.

  22. I got that feeling when I took my Dad on a tiger cruise and watched him turn into a wide-eyed kid when the planes all launched out. I didn't even think much of it by that point, but I had to admit that being a flight deck troubleshooter on the old Alpha Tomcats was a pretty cool job.

    Yeah, I said Alpha Toms. On the Forrestal no less. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take my Geritol now...

  23. Just watching him tires me out. I need another cup of coffee.


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