Monday, April 22, 2013

I've been waiting to say this for a while.

"What do you need one of those assault rifles for? You think we're going to be invaded? That there's gonna be some crazy bomb-throwing jihadis running around your quiet suburban back yard?

Shyeah, as if! Are you some kind of paranoid tinfoil-wearer or something?"


  1. I may have actually laughed out loud at this. :D

  2. I'v always wanted to ask a politician who supports limitedcap magazines... "So you're ok with the fist ten bodies, it's the eleventh one that gets you upset."

  3. It does no good. Their brains just aren't wired to hear the cognitive dissonance.

    Hunt for the elusive Tea Party murderer continues


  4. And I bow to you for perfection in tone, timing and content.

    Bravo...very much, bravo.


  5. Good point. Though in practice I imagine it may be daunting to shoot any gun at a backyard perp during an enforced city-wide lock down.

  6. When you can get arrested for wearing camo in public, firing a gun when the herd is in full stampede would probably get your house burned down.


  7. THe snerk is STRONG with that one! :-)

  8. I would be more in fear of the police kicking my door in than some 19 year old kid.

    Damned if I do, damned if I don't with the police. Imagine what would happen if you answered the door with your "Mr. Biden Sayz" Shotgun in your hand. How many times would I get shot before I dropped it? On camera?

    Because if my neighborhood is on lock down, by weapon is on me. Certainly if I'm going to the door.

  9. Did you see in Seattle that 8 cops were placed on leave for firing their weapons when a shooting victim "reached" for his gun. Thier are five dead at an apartment complex, three of the dead were in the parking lot. COps rolled in say one still alive and Eight of them shot at him when he moved. I wonder how many bullets actually struck him.

  10. Anon 5:26,

    The officers were placed on leave after being involved in a shooting as per dept policy.

    They shot a guy who'd just killed his girlfriend and three other people with a shotgun. If you have a problem with shooting murderers, you're reading the wrong blog.

  11. Anon @ 5:26:
    That happened maybe 2 miles from me.
    Your version of events is, shall we say, unique.
    Unless "reached for his gun" is the way you describe "pointed his shotgun at the police"?

  12. Here in rural north-central PA we had a guy shoot his girlfriend in the back with a shotgun (she started running when he strated loading) and then step out on the porch holding the same shotgun when the po-po arrived. He refused to drop the weapon when ordered and began to swing the barrel.... Call it suicide by cop if you will, but in any event there will be no trial for him. Heh. It'll save the Commonwealth some cash.

  13. We need Michael Moore and his math skills.

    3> 15 > 4.

  14. No one NEEDS a pressure cooker that holds more than 2 quarts! The only use for more than 1 pound of fertilizer is TO KILL PEOPLE! Ban high-capacity 50 pound sacks of fertilizer! Require a background check to buy a box of nails!

    And for pete's sake, PAY NO ATTENTION to the fact that, once again, it's Muslim males between 18-45, just like about 90% of all terrorist activity, so let's by all means cavity search elderly Swedish nuns and Cub Scouts, and round up the usual suspects: military veterans, talk radio listeners, and Tea Party members!
    For the children!

  15. Movie: terrs take and hold a NYC highrise -- y'all are imaginative e-nuff to take it from there.

    Movie: terrs attempt to take a smaller Midwestern or Southern rural town -- different script.

    Movie: terrs don't even try to take a Texas town.

    Jus' mind doodlin. Now pick y'r stars for each one...

  16. I'd watch a movie about some terrorists from the coast thinking they'll blow through some Podunk town in flyover that get stuck and try to strong arm their way through.

    My Cousin Vinnie meets Deliverance, without the Banjos and rape.

  17. Jim B, I believe they are relying on the well established fact that the first ten rounds in any magazine are ineffective on children.

    It's true, I read it on the internet.

  18. What's wrong with banjos and rape?

    In that context only, of course..

  19. Frankly I think there are enough movies that show Midwesterners and Southerners as buck (or no) toothed jackasses.

    Come to think of it though, I can't think of any time a "civilian" with a concealed gun has ever been the good guy.

    Also, if you see two guys shooting it out with the police like the guy with the cell phone shots of the shootout, what's the legality of popping your AR out the window and shooting them? Am I allowed to assist the police who are trying to make 80 yard shots with their pistols?

  20. Depends on the jurisdiction's laws on lawful defensive lethal force.

    1. Do private persons have a "duty to retreat"? If so, then you likely cannot go into overwatch mode for the Po-Po.

    2. Does the state limit lawful defensive force for private citizens to people with whom you have a specific relationship and/or duty to protect (self, family, guests, employees, customers, etc.)? If so, then unless one of the cops is your brother, probably not.

    However, citizens can, do, and have intervened to assist the police even when not asked by the police.

    @Woodman: "Also, if you see two guys shooting it out with the police like the guy with the cell phone shots of the shootout, what's the legality of popping your AR out the window and shooting them?

  21. Oh, and depending on jurisdiction, that might just get you flanked and shot by the SWAT officers responding for backup in the name of "officer safety". Because the cops you assisted don't know that you aren't just an accomplice who is a really shitty shot.

  22. John,

    Movie: terrs don't even try to take a Texas town.

    LawDog already did it.

  23. Geodkyt, yeah, avoiding friendly fire might be an issue. I think when a bullet goes through my house I could state I was in fear for my life at least.

    And really, at that range with a decent rifle, would I need more 3-4 shots to have an impact on the situation? At which point I could put my rifle down and assume the position.

    God help them if all I had available was my Mosin.

  24. Woodman -- well, unless you need the first half magazine before your hands steady down.

    REAL hard to apply the basics of positional shooting while the poo-flinging monkey that lives in the back of your brain is shouting, "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

  25. Ahh, see that's when my 11B training takes over and I turn into Operator Supreme.

    More likely I can't find the safe key, manage to jack 3 rounds into my 30-30 before I drop the box and creep up to the window just in time to catch a piece of a pressure cooker in the face and shoot myself in the foot.

  26. Yeah Steve I forgot those fist ten rounds were harmless... My bad


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