Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tab Clearing...


  1. Oddly enough, scrap #1 copper is down to $2.80/lb for some reason.


  2. From what I heard, that mine also puts out quite a bit of gold & silver as well.

  3. LOL

    The skills she learned as a social worker enabled her to escape a tiger?

  4. I'd already been feeling like I was living in Atlas Shrugged for a few years. The crippling of a copper mine just adds to the ambiance.

  5. See....SEE?! This is why I never joined the Shrine.

    Well, that and the Oriental Band:


    I've nailed my colors to my Blue Lodge's mast - no tigers allowed.


  6. Any bets as to whether Teh iWon tries to put stumbling blocks in the way of re-opening the copper mine?

  7. "As for Krehbiel, she says she's done with circuses for a while and will be sticking with zoos, 'where I know [the animals] won't get loose.'"

    Uh, yeah. About that...

  8. I don't really know anything about copper mining, but, I don't understand why the landslide isn't just dirt they don't have to knock loose to process, instead of a catastrophe.

  9. I was just talking to an ADA in my county about a DWI case that I've got coming up, and she is blown away by how quickly the wheels of justice moved in that Travis County DWI case. DA Rosemary Lehmberg was arrested April 12th of this year, pled and was sentenced 7 days later, arrested in the court room April 19th. I guess you can get things behind you, when you run the DA's office.

    One of the reasons that this is getting so much press, is that she is the District Attorney for Travis County, which is the home of Austin, Texas' capitol city.

    Oh, don't forget to see her roadside SFSTs, either.

  10. Well, the DA is "my" DA. Her blood/alcohol level was .23, taken by blood test 4 hours after she was busted. She got 45 days in jail and may get out in 15 with "good behavior". Austin is the liberal island in conservative Texas. The Travis County DA also has jurisdiction over many environmental and campaign laws. If she resigns or is forced out, Gov. Perry (BIG R) will appoint a replacement. And all the libs here will $hit their pants.

  11. perlhaqr - "It damaged or destroyed roads, power lines, and other infrastructure". Kennecott will have to fix enough infrastructure to get sufficient ore to the smelter to run it at a sizeable percentage of full capacity. The uncertainty about how long this will take is the problem. They're not sure now if it will take 2 weeks or 2 years.

  12. And right now there are people making multimillion dollar bets on that 2 week to 2 year window, both ways.

  13. Here, have some WWII rifles to look at:


  14. The landslide is mostly dirt, but it's the volume of dirt that has to be moved to get back down to the ore body they are actively mining. There's a reason that hole is 3/4 of a mile deep and it is now under a lot of dirt. And, as mentioned above, as they're moving the dirt they have to rebuild all the infrastructure necessary to get back down to that ore body.

    In the link, is another link to a Flikr account with a couple of better pictures for gaining a perspective on just how much earth moved as a result of the slide that generated a localized 5.1 earthquake.

    Arizona mines will probably be hiring. There's a reason one of the nicknames is The Copper State.

  15. Where you find copper you generally find a lot of other popular heavy metals: gold, silver, platinum, chromium, and lead in varying concentrations.

  16. The landslide was a billion tons. That'll take a bit to move. Some great photos that give a sense of scale:


  17. www.kitcometals.com/charts/copper_historical_large.html

    The 24 hour chart is showing a kick upwards, but the 60 day shows a downward trend.



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