Tuesday, April 02, 2013


When you wake up in the morning feeling ghastly ill from what, in retrospect, was probably a li'l touch of the norovirus, make sure the charge indicator on the iPad reads more than 12%, because you're not going to have the energy, coordination, or desire to go around the house looking for laptops to schlep.

Yesterday was consumed in napping, interspersed by brief periods of wakefulness during which I muzzily attempted to puzzle out daytime TV, which reached a sort of apogee of WTFery when Dr. Oz took a time-out from being worried about the perils of artificial sweeteners in chocolate milk to have this "Snookie" person tell us her diet tips, in return for which he taught her a cocktail recipe.

If Kim Jong Un wants to get froggy with his nukes, may I suggest starting with wherever that show was being filmed?


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    There's a shortage of perfect snark in the world, and it's a shame to have access interrupted to a prime source of the easily refined low-sulfur variety.

  2. HI TAM !

    GLAD YOU ARE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i hope you are better very soon. also, Netflix is way better for you than daytime tv.

  4. Sorry you felt poorly. I figured the lack of posts was part of some epic April Fool's prank you were pulling on us.

    A co-worker got me by talking about a $1,000 per gun buyback event in Michigan. I started wondering if I could make the trip from Alabama worth it and about the legalities since it would technically a transfer across state lines.

    My thought was turning a rusty old New Haven 521C .22 I paid $25 for into a bunch of parts for the Dillon 1050.

  5. I think my wife and I has the same thing. It felt like I had been thoroughly worked over with a club.

  6. My first thought was "epic hangover", but it'd be a truly epic one to have me in bed all day and losing dinner at nine PM.

    That, and I did not drink anywhere near enough beer Sunday evening to trigger that.

  7. Personally, I think we could get lil' Kim to stop being so froggy if we threatened to send Snookie and Co. to Norkland. Of course, that might also run us afoul of the Geneva Convention.

  8. "If Kim Jong Un wants to get froggy with his nukes, may I suggest starting with wherever that show was being filmed?"

    Haha! Whatever bug you had didn't affect your awesomeness at all.

  9. Dr Oz is a dangerous quack. That would be a useful Nork nuke target.

  10. You need more percodan. That stuff makes Snookie and Dr. Oz interesting.

  11. My wife is hooked on Dr Oz and it is ruining our 35 year marriage.

  12. I thought Dr. Oz was that guy from the show with the tornado and the flying Monkeys that dressed like a cross between Oprah and Willy Wonka.

    Apparently I don't watch enough modern television.

    Hope you feel better soon. I am making croissants again and homemade Canadian bacon is curing in my fridge as we speak.


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