Saturday, May 11, 2013

Give in to the urge...

A blogger suffering the long, dark tea-time of the soul ponders writing an anal bleaching post.

I think that's an urge in to which you should always give. If you can't be funny about anal bleaching, you can't be funny. It's the belt-high meatball across the middle of the plate of blogfodder.


  1. All I can write is "wow!". Your link to my blog led to a weeks worth of visits in a few hours.


  2. 'Changing the tint knob on your cornhole'. Sheer genius.

    I seem to remember hearing Jack Nicholson, when dating the mostly post Twin Peaks Lara Flynn Boyle, was a fan of suchlike, and the young lady generously had the procedure completed.

    I wonder, is that the sort of thing a Beverly Hills plastic surgery practice has as a standard check box option on their Windows based scheduling worksheet? And how many would one do before advertising the fact on one's CV, like the fellows who trumpet the number of LASIKs they've successfully completed.

    St paul

  3. Which reminds me that og hasn't done any crap-blogging lately. Since Acidman has shed his earthly coils, he's about the only one who pursues that particularly pungeant subject....

  4. You just had to wave a cottontail and go haring off down the rabbithole, didn't you? And, slave to my misfiring neurons that I am, I just had to follow...



  5. I think it was very brave of you not to give in to the temptation to quit at the top with that post in '08 ...


  6. I think the central question is: If your anal bleaching goes really well and you're thrilled with the results, who do you show it to?

  7. I never thought of anal anything until I read this post of yours.
    But since I'm retired, I took a moment to consider not bleaching(ouch), but dyeing the other err...opening, and I would choose...CAMO!
    Then I knew that I would just go to WALMART and buy the camo boxers.


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