Thursday, May 23, 2013

In a nutshell...

Og boils blog comments down to their essence.

Remember: The only reason to share little bits of your life with the internet is so that random strangers can tell you that you're doing it wrong.


  1. N is, of course, a variable capable of changing with time.

    On, one can measure the change of S,W,A & U by following subsequent commenters as they downvote, ignore, or upvote, all previous comments.

    Thus in hour 1 after a post, Sympathy might prevail, but in hours 2 to 8 after the post, Disagreement, Angst, Unrelated and other things can rise to dominance or sink to insignificance, too.

    N, being a time dependent variable, is as meaningful as the difference in opinions held by Og at 12 years old, versus Og now.

    Both are Og, but which is more right?

  2. It's oblivious to me...

  3. I have to say that my commenters are invariably polite, on-topic, and supportive.

    I feel like such a failure as a blogger ...

  4. That's because you're smart and trenchant. :)

  5. "That's because you're smart and trenchant. :)"

    Or you're not as big an asshole as I am. Thanks for the link, Tam!

  6. And don't you forget it.

  7. Well, Tam, we are not exactly random strangers, at least in Internet terms, and you have never hesitated to tell me when you thought I was doing it wrong. I honor you for that, and for allowing me to post almost all of the comments which come to my sometimes-ethylized mind.


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