Thursday, June 20, 2013

Continuing Education...

About to start day one of MAG-40. I am pretty stoked, let me tell you. I even went out yesterday and got fresh spiral notebooks to fill.


  1. Make sure you bring food, unless pace is slower than the 2 part MAG20 version you don't really get lunch breaks.

    I've taken the classroom part twice and if things work out will be doing the live fire part this fall with significant other.


  2. Cool! A shooting class where you are more worried about running out of notebook pages rather than ammo.

  3. Well, hope you read my AAR and didn't fill all your magazines. Say "Hi!" to Mas and Gail for me....

  4. The curriculum sounds like what he used to call LFI-1, "Judicious Use of Deadly Force". Prepare to have your data banks stuffed with useful tips.

  5. Jealous Drifter is.

    - Drifter

  6. Please give Gina's and my regards to Mas and Gail.

    erich martell

  7. Great class, although you will watch several DVD's Mas will explain why, have fun!

  8. I hope they have improved the classroom since I was there, if not hope it does not rain

  9. Mas is truly the real deal and you'll have a great and amazingly informative class - tons of practical information on self-defense decision making and related legal issues.

    I went through his LFI1 and LFI2 classes and can't recommend him highly enough.

    Say hi to him for me.

  10. My first time through Ayoob's class, I filled not one, but two, giant yellow legal pads with notes.

    Second time through, I typed my notes on my laptop during the class. Easier to keep up by typing...

  11. I read the link as "Mass-a-day..." My initial thought was "I didn't even realize Tam was Catholic..." DOH!

  12. I have a lot of respect for Mas. Have a good class.

  13. Your first one? I did my first classroom 20 about a week ago in Wisconsin. Hope to take the Range 20 with David Maglio up there in August, if he gets the range reserved.

    It's like drinking from a fire hose, but really pretty cool. I felt like I had picked up the basic ideas from reading and discussion over the years, and I never considered myself one of the "kill 'em all and drag 'em inside before the cops get there" weirdos, but I was still surprised how much new information I picked up. Well worth it.

  14. God bless your shootin' finger! If you're on concrete get gel-insoles or something, my dogs are barkin' something awful lately.

  15. Great class. Mas is really the only one doing exactly this mix of "ethical/legal/practical" considerations of armed self defense.

    I did a write up of LFI 1 for Concealed Carry Magazine a few years back.

    Rob (Trebor)

  16. Me nd the Missus have taken Judicious Use of Deadly Force, LFI 1, LFI 2 and a kuboton class from Mas. We have also taken Gunsite 250, a class or 2 from John Farnam, Jim Crews and a few lesser known instructors. We have taken 10 or more classes from Greg Hamilton and John Holschen from Insights Training Center. Mas is flamboyant speaker and showman, his classes are interesting and fun. In my experience they are a step down from the other classes mentioned above with the exception of Jim Crews who I don't recommend at all. Mas was our first professional instructor and as a result we thought he walked on water until we broadened our base with classes from other nationally known schools. Just a little perspective, I'm sure you will enjoy the class.

    My apologies if this is a duplicate post. The first one doesn't seem to have made it.

  17. Anon 1:44,

    This isn't my first trip to gun school, but I appreciate your concern. :)

  18. OK. We quessed that. So waddya think about this trip through the grinder?


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