Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm sure they're all undergoing NICS checks...

Petition at that all Syrian rebels receiving arms from the US be held to the same standards as US citizens: Full background checks and all that jazz. (I guess they'll have an easier time getting CLEO sign-offs for full-auto AKs than most)

I don't see why we don't just send 'em some double-barrel shotguns? They're much easier to use, and all they need to do is touch two off the balcony and Assad will abdicate...

(via MadMike on the Facebookenings.)


  1. No high capacity magazines, 7 should be more than enough rounds.


  2. I wonder if ATF and DOJ are handling the arms transfers? They have experience at that sort of thing, after all...

  3. Supplying arms to citizens so they can fight off a repressive government...

    Irony much??

  4. JohninMd.(too late?!??)7:44 PM, June 19, 2013

    No irony, Rick. They know they're supplying Jehadis, after all....

  5. Hah! Another amusing petition on is here .

    's pretty good too.

  6. Can we file a complaint with the EPA about the excessive amounts of irony in the air?

    This whole arm the rebels thing just reinforces the fact that our founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the 2nd amendment. Overthrowing tyranny is why it is there.

  7. Crotalus: It's not the US Government's job to "protect Christians" as a particular priority.

    Nor is it the US Government's job to prop up a Ba'athist dictator because his biggest opposition happen to be Islamists.

    Not saying we necessarily shouldn't, but at the same time, "murderous dictator" is a hard one to overcome when you're picking sides... thus why I'm not sure we should even pick a side.

  8. I'm sure they're just "loaners" NICS needed.

  9. More correctly . . . .

    ". . . it doesn't take 30 bullets to kill Bashir Assad. . . "

  10. The rebels may have to wait. Rumors floating around that "someone" sent the container ship carrying the arms down to Davy Jones Locker.


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