Monday, July 29, 2013

A picture is worth 1,000 words.

(click to embiggen)
Well, to be fair, it does say "High Risk" right on the box. (Although there's always the possibility that's not what they meant by that.)


  1. Having guns pointed at me usually gives me a good case of anhedonia.

  2. Ritchie,

    The only qualifications to be in those stacks are successful attendance at "Fighting Rifle" class and the ability to not bounce a $1,750 check. That's it.

  3. Is Cattle Call of Duty trademarked?

  4. LOL Ya know, someone should come up with a set of rules regarding gun safety, and maybe mention "being aware of your target and not pointing at anything you're not willing to destroy." Unless, of course, he's pissed at the dude with the spiffy Operating Tactical Operator's Orange Earprotectors of Operatingness.

  5. Youtube video post is moderated of course.

    Nothing but fanboi posts allowed.

  6. First thing that came to my mind was "DumbAss"

  7. I think it was all summed up by the chucklehead who entered the room and yelled "Whoo" as he started to fire his AK at the 1:07 mark. All I could think was mother of god, I mean eventually the law of averages has to catch up. Eventually I realized I had seen this before, except it was watching a bunch of Uzbeks clear a building during joint training.

  8. And the fun doesn't end there!

    Check out the action at 0:48, where our group of high-drag, low-speed operators form a stack and clear a room...

    .. that has an instructor with a death wish sitting right in the middle of it.

    What are they doing in the drill that they CAN'T do with airsoft (aside from killing a person with an ND, that is)?

  9. KevinC,

    Because real operators use human no-shoots!

    (Check out 1:19 where that TR fixture, Camera Guy, is kneeling in the middle of the room getting good footage while guys are buttonhooking in with AKs blazing...)

  10. The guys with the brooms and mops and mop buckets clearing the laundry room had better discipline.



  12. Obviously proud alumni of Florence Foster Jenkins University.


  13. Highly trained. Professional -level training.

    Which is why the first piece of equipment I look to see if a trainer uses is a 2x4. Don't have one? I'm outta there.

    stay safe.

  14. gvi,

    That made my morning. :)

  15. Trainees for the local library SWAT?

    (Well, it seems everybody ELSE has one, and they really need to go after those scofflaw overdue-book people.)

  16. The amazement no one got shot in that whole thing aside, would you trust a bunch of loosely fitted 6x6s to stop a 7.62x39 fired at point-blank range? I wouldn't. That shoot house looks like a hazard to anyone inside or in its immediate vicinity.

  17. Taking a look at this again, the walls look like they may be double walled. Still, I've seen enough strange bullet-wood interactions at my club to be wary of relying on wood to prevent someone from being shot. I hope they have steel plating sandwiched in between.

  18. Sebastian,

    Judging by the visual effects on the steel targets, they're almost certainly using frangible ammo.

    But still... Yikes.

  19. Not realizing there was a video, I was thinking perhaps the first stack needed a little motivation to head in...

  20. Hey, I'm an Operator. The little book thingy that came with my toaster oven says so. Does that mean I can get in on action like this?

  21. They've got some left-handers there, why aren't they alternating entry?
    Maybe they think that's cheating.

  22. I just thought it was some new tactical move if they may have some quislings on the breaching team.

    No, I insist, after you my ANA comrades!


  23. He's the guy who always says "I've got your back."

  24. Gerry and CJ to share the win.

  25. High Risk tactical teams have rail-mounted interrupter gears on their for perfect synchronization on entries.

    Apparently y'all aren't operator enough to know about that.

  26. On their -carbines-, dammit.

  27. Tam...I couldn't help myself. Had to post this in the bar.

    Tks for the laughs!


  28. So, Matthew, should we give them props for having interrupter gears?

  29. One time when I was in the fleet for all of like a week I did that with a rubber rifle...I got the ever living fuck beaten out of me and and had the privilege of carrying a pretty unreasonable amount of rocks around for the rest of the training day.

  30. Pat Rogers does shoot house classes, but he only does 2 man elements (imagine husband/wife team clearing the house to get to their children), and he vets everyone who signs up.


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