Sunday, July 28, 2013


Woke up this morning to a chill, since we set a new record low for the date, breaking the previous low mark of 54°F, set in 2004.

It's been a mild summer, but this morning was just freaky cool. Just north of us in Lafayette, the mercury dipped into the forties. In July.

To anybody in town for the Brickyard 400 for the first time, no, it's not normally a howling arctic wasteland in July up here.


  1. Having been fortunate enough to enjoy those forty-something temps, I plan to spend today firing up various forms of horribly inefficient carbon emitters to get some more of this "global warming" the experts keep warning us about.

  2. But...but... it's globull warming... :-)

  3. Honestly, I could go for some 40s and 50s down here in Alabama.

  4. It's not been that bad here in The Heart of Dixie, Robert.

    We've had a hard time getting weather and schedule to align so we can have the required 80+ and sunny to replace the liner in the pool.

    Today was a candidate but I think we forgot a required component and the run to the store will eat too much of our time window.

    I really didn't want to take ins day of vacation to install this thing.

  5. It's the Crown Royal Samuel Deeds 400.I am the Nascar race name nazi!

  6. Me, I blame Global Warming. <a href=">It causes everything.</a>

  7. Attendence for the Brickyard has dropped from over 200,000, the first year 20 years ago, to an anticipated 80,000 or less this year, so I don't think that many are really going to notice...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  8. Does this mean that the coming winter will be hideously cold?

  9. mid-90's forecast all week long here in fl in spite of daily t-storms.

    Give those chilly mornings anytime.


  10. Enjoy the cool weather; it helps hold down the murder rate.

  11. I am a bit concerned this mild Summer foreshadows a brutal Winter, Jeremy.

  12. Borepatch

    That vid was a hoot.

  13. "breaking the previous low mark of 54°F, set in 2004."

    Bbbbbbbutbutubut "The Planet has a Feeeeever..."

    .... and the chills, apparently....

    HA! Frakin Hypochondriacs.


  14. Ssshhhhhh.... you'll jinx the weather and bring back global warming...

    Dann in Ohio

  15. I have e-mailed Al Gore demanding a refund on my Globular Woerming.


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