Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Short Attention Span Theater.

I see that it is now time for an important and frank national dialog about Weiner's wiener.

This is like watching TV with a compulsive channel clicker. I freely admit that I'm lost now. I thought we were talking about what William and Kate were going to name Trayvon's Detroit bankruptcy?


  1. Ignore that man behind the curtain...OH..squirrel...What?

  2. I fully expect his wife to run for Senate now since everyone feels sorry for her. After all, Hillary was her mentor. I totally wanted someone to ask during the press conference about her ties to the Muslim Brotherhood but still, no luck there.

  3. Again, how do a discredited former public servant and a government contractor afford a 3 million dollar apartment?

    There are people in the world who apparently make money just by existing, and they have the balls to complain about people like Branson and the Koch brothers.

  4. And in three years we will hear the same pundits interview Gloria Allred about the lawsuit she is bringing against Mayor Wiener and NYC for sexual harassment. The pundits will be asking where they will get the money for a settlement after NYC Comptroller Client #9 lost
    $10 billion of the city's investments in green energy and progressive businesses.

  5. I'm confused. Wasn't "Carlos Danger" one of the giant mechas in "Pacific Rim"?

  6. Am I the only one that that snickered when I realized this all came out on National Hot Dog Day?
    Side note: Apparently, there is a National Hot Dog Day

  7. Might I steal the last sentence and pass it off as my own?

  8. Sigh! Haven't we done this Scandal already? Just more proof that Sequels usually aren't as good as the Originals.

  9. It is additional proof that the inmates are running the asylum.

  10. That poor woman.

    I know she is a public parasite, the mistress joke personified:

    Poor in the sense that she is so morally degraded, her values so fouled that whatever she sees as the benefits of her marriage compel her to stand there like a beaten dog.

    Just once, I'd like to see one of these wives shove husband aside and take over the microphones.

    "Listen, you think the texting is bad? Let me tell you the real lowdown on this perv..."

  11. Your snark has lead me to a brilliant plan. Let's convince a few J-school grads that the IRS has been targeting William and Kate (and other royals) and that Tupac and Biggie were killed by guns sold to gang-bangers by the BATFEioeio. I'll be they'll start investigating those scandals then and Mr. and Mrs. Weekly World News will take some interest.

  12. I feel for you, Tam. Here in Austin the local talk radio is going crazy over recent abortion legislation.

    This is where I came in, and I was tired of it back then. As a child in the early 70s, I heard all I ever wanted to hear about abortion. And nobody has advanced any new or more convincing arguments since then.

    When does the carny stop this stupid ride? I want to get off!

  13. No off. the Off used to be the frontier, of which there is little in the world left.

  14. I don't expect Weiner to pull out.

  15. New York should give Wiener another chance to show off his inadequacies.

  16. "an important and frank national dialog about Weiner's wiener."

    A frank discussion about Weiner? Well, hot dog! About time, I say.

  17. "I don't expect Weiner to pull out."

    Last I heard his wife told him to go all in.

  18. panem et circenses, As long as they can keep the masses fed and amused they can stay in power. "Let some other guy solve the problems, I just want to be in charge."

  19. If Wiener does get elected, then the people of New York City will truly get the government that they deserve.

  20. Oh my GOD, Tam, Trayvon is like, so last week!


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