Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Because it needed to be done...

(Rolling Stone) Wanna see my picture on the cover
(BOOM!)Wanna blow up children and their mothers
(BOOM!)Wanna see my smilin' face
On the cover of the Rolling Stone
I'm going to have a hard time not singing it that way now. I seem to have earwormed myself.


...and then sepulvedasrevenge did the heavy lifting:
I'm a big jihadi
getting letters from the hotties
and my chef does some great halal
The bros and the homies
they all want to know me
they keep dropping by my cell
I got agents I got lawyers
I'm a bona fide employer
but I never get to be alone
I 'll tell you one thing more
this was all before
I made the cover of the Rolling Stone
So. Full. Of. Win.


I'm slower than Reno, but I got there eventually...

So if you want fame
And you've got no shame
Or any musical talent at all
But you're a kinda good looker
And you own a pressure cooker
Then you'd better get on the ball
Just dump out the chowder
And fill it with black powder
Build a detonator from your phone
Though it's a small sample
Here's a pretty good example
You'll make the cover of the Rolling Stone


  1. That is just wrong. Ill get you for that, one day.

  2. "I seem to have earwormed myself." And now the rest of us. Damn you, woman.

  3. I'm a big jihadi
    getting letters from the hotties
    and my chef does some great halal
    The bros and the homies
    they all want to know me
    they keep dropping by my cell
    I got agents I got lawyers
    I'm a bona fide employer
    but I never get to be alone
    I 'll tell you one thing more
    this was all before
    I made the cover of the Rolling Stone

  4. Please stop. Please. Before I LOL myself to death :)

  5. The good Doctor will never sound the same...

  6. sepulvedasrevenge,

    What are you going to do with all these internets? :D

  7. Thanks Tam! I think I'll bask in glory for another hour or so and then go stand around out in the Home Depot parking lot.

  8. I think he just won twice in one day! The man is on fire!

  9. Sick.

    I LIKE it!


  10. Shel Silverstein smiles from Heaven.

  11. Tam... You get better every day

  12. GREAT ones... LOL Excuse me while I go outside and laugh...

  13. Here you go Tam, everything you need for open mic night.<a href="http://sepulvedasrevenge.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/rolling-stone-redux.pdf'>EZ Chords & Lyrics</a>

  14. Shel Silverstein would beam with delight.

  15. Love the lyrics.

    Personally, I have no problem with the Rolling Stone cover. And if the story is as advertised (how an immigrant with all the advantages this society has to offer became a jihadist), it has real value.

    Moreover, the ginned-up controversy has in all likelihood merely served to sell more magazines, the intended goal in the first place. If you're offended by the cover, don't buy it.

    Yea capitalism. Yea freedom.

    I never cease to be amazed - and saddened - at the damage we've done to ourselves in the name of "security" and "fighting terrorism." Future generations will curse the steps we've taken, for once we permitted government to do what it has now done, it is nearly impossible reign the leviathan back in.

    Perhaps the only thing more dangerous than the jihadists is a government with unlimited powers to "stop" the jihadists. Those powers will inevitably be abused; it is the nature of government which is, after all, at best a necessary evil and at worst an intolerable one.

    Let's put it this way. My risk of being killed by a terrorist is so small as to be negligible. The indignities of the security state, and the petty infringements upon the Constitution, especially the First and Fourth Amendments, are felt daily. The products of those infringements will be, and already are being, used for far more than protecting us from terrorists. An overreaching government is a greater threat to our liberties, daily, than any terrorist.

    And yes, I'm sure I'm already on some watch list. If I'm not, I haven't pissed off the right people.

  16. Do you think I really disagree with anything you typed?

  17. You know this means that Time will probably make him "Person of the Year."

    And they say the Age of Yellow Journalism is behind us.

  18. "Do you think I really disagree with anything you typed?"

    Nope; just the opposite. Just had to get it off my chest.

  19. Yes, Ladies and Germs, Tam (and her Minions)does seem to keep winning the internets; almost every day.

    Now, I gotta go and find and dust off my prseerure (don't wanna spelit roight) cooker and see if I can 'git my pitcher on the cover...'
    Tnx for the earworm, T n Minions
    Rich in NC


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