Monday, July 22, 2013

Um, media? Can I ask a question?

I don't mean to interrupt all the royal cervix watchin', but how's the president doing on The Most Important Issue Facing The Country?

I mean, I realize there has been sideshow after sideshow but, well, your guy's been in the driver's seat for a while now and I was kinda hoping you could spare a journalist to do some reporting on why the economy's still in the crapper? Those green shoots supposedly sprouted some time ago. When are we going to have our very important national dialog on where did all the jobs go?


  1. Green shoots hit Drought and all died off.

    Look, squirrel.

  2. Also, you're a racist.

    (What? She's criticizing the newsies, which is almost as bad as criticizing the government. Racist. Clearly.)

    It's the new Godwin.

  3. All this focus on the royal family is pathetic. On a positive note, our energy problem would be solved if they wound copper around the founding fathers' corpses and installed some magnets around their coffins.

  4. The green shoots were planted in the yard, but not clearly marked, and got mowed by the neighbor kid.

  5. I'm with Joseph. I don't get all the toryesque salivating over the royals that goes on in this country.

  6. Seeing as the true unemployment rate right now is around 10-11% ...

    Pretty badly.

  7. Why do you insist on paying attention to the Man behind the Curtain? We all KNOW that the Economic Mess we're in is Bush's Fault! The Great and Powerful OZ said so!

  8. Even though my best friend's British, I couldn't tell you the difference between the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchy of Grand Fenwick.

    OTOH, I read the Business Insider article and one thing jumped out at me like it was highlighted.

    The chief executive's mandarin said, "Instead of talking about how to help the middle class, too many in Congress are trying to score political points, refight old battles, and trump up phony scandals."

    If this isn't an example of the psychological defense mechanism of projection, I'm curious to know just what qualifies.


  9. Actually Robin, it's at least half-again that rate.
    As to your question Tam, sometime AFTER the 2016 elections might be convenient as long as The Party of Evil wins again. If not then it's all BusHitler's fault and "dissent" will once again be "patriotic"

  10. The White House hinted that a major theme of the speeches will be the economic benefits of immigration reform. . .

    I was worried for a minute that Barry would disappoint me and get serious about the problem. It will be interesting to see how he explains these benefits and how this will employ the unemployed. Unless it's going to create more government positions to handle the paperwork involved in makes sure all the new immigrants get their entitlements.

  11. C'mon, Tam.

    Those green shoots planted in the U.S. Treasury sprouted in the wallets of Obama's family, friends and campaign supporters.

  12. Is he going to focus like a laser beam on jobs? Rather than speechifying Mr. President why don't you propose a budget that does something other than get laughed at by both Chambers of Congress?

  13. Scout26,

    Because George Bush! Duh! ;)

  14. As to the call of "Racist!" being the new Godwin argument, some things tie many of the the loose threads:

  15. Global warming is being addressed by the EPA which is closing down every coal mine and coal-fired power plant in the country.

    What other issues are there?

  16. He is doing something! He's giving speeches - can't you read?

  17. He's doing what he does best.
    Listing of accomplishments in order of importance...
    Relevant, important stuff too complex and difficult for serf brains to process.

  18. I'm sure that if the economy was really a problem, the professional journalists in the main-stream media would be giving it due regard...

    Bahahahahahaaaaaa... I crack myself up sometimes...

    Dann in Ohio

  19. Apparently Obamao read your post and had announced he's embarking on another speech making tour re-focusing, for the 19th time if I'm not mistaken, on the economy and job creation.

    I personally am not in favor or gov't creted jobs as they always result in another alphabet agency filled with amerikans who's job is to prey upon their fellow Americans.



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