Friday, July 12, 2013

Well, that's interesting...

Sitemeter occasionally coughs up some interesting hairballs. Check this guy out:

Click to embiggenate...
I wonder what the back story is behind this? Is he looking for a particular snitch? Is somebody actually maintaining a list of known snitches in Seymour? The world wonders...


  1. Another question: Why is someone from Northern Indiana Amish Country searching for snitches in Southern Indiana? Curious people want to know...

  2. Oh great. Now Admiral Halsey is pouting in his stateroom and throwing crockery again. Won't get a lick of command work out of him for half an hour. The World Wonders indeed.

  3. Nothing to See, Move Along, Pay No Attention to that man behind the curtain.....

  4. "Nothing to See, Move Along, Pay No Attention to that man behind the curtain....."


  5. could be a Harry Potter fan?

  6. Windows NT on a Mac?

  7. @Randall: That was my first thought as well.

  8. Anon 10:29,

    It's apparently how Sitemeter's code parses someone running Chrome on a Win 7 box?

  9. SiteMeter is working for you? Mine stopped updating since late April and I eventually replaced it with another counter in June.

  10. @Erin: Sitemeter's reports are now worthless, but if you visit the site it still shows the traffic by post.
    Sitemeter's customer service is also worthless, ignoring WTF? info requests.

  11. >Sitemeter's reports are now worthless...

    I guess that free-mium business model isn't working out too hot for them eh?

    If you're not blocking their little web-bug you're not even trying. I block 'em because they're too slow some times and it messes up proper page loads.



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