Friday, August 02, 2013


I am flat whupped. The soles of my feet feel like someone's bastinadoed them with a meat tenderizer. I've been all day walking on concrete and asphalt at the State Fair; it was a grand time, but exhausting.

The battery in the Rebel XTi crapped out about two-thirds of the way through because I totes didn't freshly charge it, so I had to use the cell phone camera for the remainder of the day. I stil got some halfway decent shots even with the cellie:

"Chickens are gregarious birds and live together in flocks."

Great big cage, little pile of hyperkinetic chicks in the middle of it...

More and better pics to follow! In the meantime, I'm going to relax and rehydrate.


  1. The baby ducks are asleep, occasionally blinking and tottering to their feet when looked at too closely before slumping back into a snooze; the baby turkeys are half-awake, with the annoyed, dyspeptic look turkeys favor all their lives. But the baby chickens? They're all wriggly!

  2. A day at the fair is a fair day indeed. Ours will be going off in a couple of weeks.

  3. Hate to tell you, but you can't rehydrate with an IPA.

  4. Kerry,

    How about wheat beer?

  5. An IPA is mostly water, therefor you can rehydrate with it.

    Marathons would be more interesting with beer at the aid stations.

  6. Kristophr: or with random vodka cups at the water stations.


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