Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Overheard in the Office...

Bobbi is relating the tale of a misunderstanding on the internet...
Me: "I feel your pain. My Indian name is 'Tells Jokes To Aspies'."

RX: "I don't get it. Could you explain that?"


Cincinnatus said...

OK, that resulted in another cracked rib.

og said...

That's cold. Funny as hell, but cold.

taylor said...

Ok, who else was confused by 'Aspies' and had to do the google?

Guess Ill go hang my head in the corner with RobertaX

T.Stahl said...

This is your target audience.
Keep up the good work!

George Groot said...

I gigglesnorted. In the office.

mikee said...

I laughed on the inside and hated everyone else for my doing it.

Commander_Zero said...

I affectionately refer to my lawyer friend as "Dances With Weasels".

Joe in PNG said...

Oh, and Dude... the preferred nomenclature is 'high function autistic" please...

HerrBGone said...

ROFLMAO! That hits so close to home!

Um, Joe, that may be some folks preferred nomenclature, but I call myself an Aspie....

Drang said...

The head shrinker's union now says that Aspergers doesn't actually exist. Too many Aspies on TV or something.

Opinionated Grump (Rich in NC) said...

...I love learnin' stuff... I googled 'Aspie' and burst out giggling out loud.
I didn't know Bobbie was an Aspie.
[Thank youze both for that laugh]
Rich in NC

Joe in PNG said...

Please remember to read my comment in the voice of one Walter Sobjeck...

Anonymous said...

Why are there no gambling casinos in Africa?

Too many Cheetahs.

Geodkyt said...

Where I work is Aspie Central. Three generations of physicists and mathematicians that have been interbreeding.