Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Well, the cops may be drunk, but at least the judges are... oh, wait.

Marion County, where the wheels of justice grind slowly, erratically, and possibly criminally: Drunken cops and deputy prosecutors, prosecutors being investigated by the feds, and now this!
The state judicial qualifications commission took the “extraordinary measure” Monday of calling for the suspension of Marion Superior Court Judge Kimberly J. Brown, who is facing 45 counts of alleged misconduct.

What a mess. Can we just get a do-over? Send everyone home and pick new teams tomorrow or something?


  1. The new teams will be pretty much the same, so long as they're picked by the same people.

  2. And ya wonder why people don't trust any branch of the government anymore?

  3. To borrow one from the movie "Aliens": "Game over!".

  4. We get the government the majority voted for. Too many toe the party line, vote straight ticket and accept immoral, unethical and criminal behavior because X is OUR GUY! We do not even have the brains and the gumption to vote out politicians that repeatedly lie to our faces, steal, and make millions on insider trading. They are secure because no way will we rise up and throw the bums out.

    If we want to change we ALL will have to put in some time and effort. Or we can accept this mediocrity.

  5. Tam
    I followed the link to read about the judge's escapades. No real surprises there. However I did find a related story on that page where an IMPD officer made the news. Not for being drunk but that he was shot four times while trying to arrest a guy driving a stolen car. Thought you'd be interested since you track all things IMPD.

  6. Elected judges are hard to unseat, for several reasons.

    Among them: they have to really screw up on the job, in a way that voters notice and remember on Election Day, to lose a re-election.

    Not to say that this situation isn't special...

  7. "Can we just get a do-over? Send everyone home and pick new teams tomorrow or something?"

    Tom Clancy tried that with Congress in Debt of Honor/Executive Orders. Worked out pretty well, all in all. Maybe Obama, now that he's joined openly with Al Qaeda, could be persuaded to turn a bomber around and follow Clancy's script.

  8. "Tom Clancy tried that with Congress in Debt of Honor/Executive Orders."

    IIRC he managed to get the Supreme Court in that as well. A twofer!

  9. Tom Clancy gets to eliminate two branches of the Federal triumvirate and put his chosen character in the White House because he makes stuff up for a living. A quite profitable living. So profitable he has a personal gun range in his high rise condo on the harbour in Baltimore, Maryland. That's some imagination combined with a solid work ethic, there.

    My imagination is humbler and poorer. I'd be happy with simple prosecution and convictions for malfeasance and crimes in office.

    Here in central Texas we recently charged a prosecutor for making stuff up and lying about other stuff 25 years ago, thus putting an innocent man in prison for a quarter century. I doubt the former prosecutor will get anything near the time served by the innocent.


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