Monday, September 09, 2013

...and that's how the cracker crumbles.

Quick, scramble the media! The ant under the magnifying glass has started to smoulder!

Well, there's an ugly little piece of he-said, she-said theater. Who could have seen that coming?


  1. Wow, first messy divorce ever!

    When I saw a picture of George and wife, I thought it was a before and after sex-change photo.

  2. If my training officet's narrative is any indication, the next thing will be his dog pees on his leg.

  3. My Ex Aunt made some whopper accusations of domestic violence when she and my Uncle split.

    Of course the big thing is the reason why he got so entwined with a crazy (bi-polar with psychotic episodes to be specific) bitch like her was he was a doormat pacifist who has never been interested in rocking the boat.

  4. And the journalists just can't stand not getting him convicted of murder, so they'll keep after him until they find SOMETHING to hang him for.

  5. I'm waiting for her parents to say George is a shape shifter and sucks the souls from children. He is a closet cat juggler and must be stopped.


  6. So she changed her story after a day or two? Basically, she lied about him the whole time. No wonder the media is on her side in all this! Kindred spirits and all.

    Love how they bring up the two "speeding" incidents at the end. "Cmon, y'all, he's still a bad guy! See? Speeding! Just like millions of other drivers out there on a daily basis!!!! EEEEEEVIL!!!"

  7. I just knew it. I knew he was a bad bad man! I knew he was guilty of something. Now, if only we can figure out what he's guilty of, we can hang him!

  8. From every domestic incident I have ever seen, I'm sure there was plenty of assholery to go around at the scene. It really does take two to tango in these things.

    She's got more people who saw her side of the story than he does, though, so it's "he said, they said" instead of "he said, she said".

    Dumb move, George. Should have brought a witness of your own, or just left.

  9. I wonder if they have their stories blocked out for his eventual suicide, with blank spaces ready for the caliber of the gun.

    Living well is the best revenge.

  10. IIRC, the police investigating found no gun on him, or in his car. "There is no gun in this story."

    So unless we're taking school-level "zero tolerance" rules into the real world (where shaking a finger is ZOMG GUN VIOLENCE!!!!!), it's a non-thing.

    I don't expect the media or anti-gun groups (who were all over this) to issue retractions or apologies.

  11. " Firehand said...

    And the journalists just can't stand not getting him convicted of murder, so they'll keep after him until they find SOMETHING to hang him for."

    Or, they'll hound him so much he'll off one of them in self-defense. Remember how the paparazzi were instrumental in Princess Diana's death?

  12. Dumb move, George. Should have brought a witness of your own, or just left.

    For the life of me, I can't figure out why he didn't already have the police on the scene when he showed up. Were I in his shoes, knowing that the media and a large chunk of the nation would love to hang me if they could and in the middle of what can not (even before this incident) be an amicable divorce, I would have called the local cops and requested an officer be present while we were there.

  13. Dumb move, George. Should have brought a witness of your own, or just left.

    For the life of me, I can't figure out why he didn't already have the police on the scene when he showed up.

    It's Tuesday afternoon and you're still posting nonsense like this?

    George didn't "show up". He lived there. Shellie was the one who showed up, in a place where she no longer had a right to be.

  14. Last anon, I think that he still is, in spite of all the slapping around he's received, an innocent-minded, nice guy, who wants to do good and do right (remember his helping out at the car wreck and putting out the fire?) and even now, after a fight to the death and a trip through the .gov justice system, does not yet understand what assholes people can be.

    I mean, I think I'm slightly autistic, and have been burned a bit by innocently trusting the Normals, but George should know better, having been seriously scorched. The boy really does need to just hide out somewhere. I recommend Peru, 'way up in the mountains.

  15. News headline:

    Zimmerman mixes black beans with white rice! Sharpton cries foul!

    So it goes.

  16. Dumb move, George. Should have brought a witness of your own, or just left.

    Note, SHE changed her story and didn't want to press charges right after george offered to give the cops the video records from the surveillance system he installed in his home, which his wife wasn't aware of since she doesn't live there anymore. . .


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